For those of you waiting to see the new series Lost Girl without resorting to alternate means of content acquisition, we’ve got good news. SyFy has picked up the series and will begin airing it in 2012.
The news came as part of SyFy’s unveiling of other series that will air in the first quarter of 2012.
The cable outlet will continue its Powerful Monday block of programming with Lost Girl, the second season of the U.S. Being Human. Merlin returns for its fourth season on Friday nights as well. All the series kick off in January.
Merlin kicks off the January excitement on Friday, Jan. 6 at 10 p.m. with Camelot about to embrace a Golden Age of magic, mystery and adventure. That is, if Merlin can protect the Once and Future King Arthur from the dangerous Morgana and other magical happenings.
Then Powerful Mondays returns with Being Human and Lost Girl on Jan. 16 at 9 and 10 p.m. On Being Human vampire Aidan, ghost Sally and werewolf Josh battle their inner monsters as the roomies try to move on from the explosive season one finale. And on series premiere of Lost Girl, a young woman named Bo must deal with the fact that she’s a succubus who feeds off sexual energy. Bo is a member of the Fae, who chooses to walk the difficult middle path between humans and the Fae, while trying to discover the secrets behind her origin.
Michael Mennenga says
I’m loving this series. Make sure you set time to watch this one gang.
Mike H says
It’s a great series but SYFY will edit it a little too much for me to watch it there.
hilsto says
Fun show but I am not sure how scifi will be able to run it unedited. And there will be uh, stuff, to edit out of each episode. Sometimes lots of…stuff. As long as they edit out stuff equally I guess. If they specifically edit out mostly the slash I’d be pissed.
Mike H says
I’m just thankful SYFY isn’t producing it, putting them in position to cancel it later. Like Merlin, I’m glad Lost Girl is produced elsewhere.
Audrey says
great series that is enjoyed in my house. and i’m with Mike H… very glad it isn’t filmed here… unless it was HBO or Showtime doing it…..