We’re scifi fans, horror fans, and we have opinions.
Here’s a list of what a few of us think are the best and most entertaining movies and shows that 2017 had to offer!
From Andrea Rittschof:
War for the Planet of the Apes: Best of the science fiction this year. The action kept me hooked.
The Shape of Water: Best retelling of a fairy tale I’ve ever seen.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle: This was the most fun I’ve had all year and the ensemble had superb acting.
LEGO Batman; Kept me laughing the entire movie, from beginning to end.
The Space Between Us: Best romance-scifi blend I’ve seen, very well balanced and great chemistry between the leads.
Runaways: One of the best of the new Marvel series.
The Defenders: The team up is awesome and ties well into the other Netflix series.
Stranger Things 2: This captures the eighties feel and the creepy vibe just is perfect.
From Noah Richman:
When a Monster Calls
Wind River
Kong: Skull Island
From Summer Brooks:
Wonder Woman: DC finally makes an origin story that connects
Get Out: Satire, horror and social commentary with unanticipated twists
Atomic Blonde: Best unreliable narrator spy action in a very long time
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2: The MCU brings all the pieces closer together
Indie / VOD movies:
Score: A Film Documentary:
They Call Me Jeeg Robot
Phoenix Forgotten: The human connections in a search for the truth about a UFO encounter keep this one engaging
The Quiet Hour
Pop Culture Geeks honorable mention: Car Dogs
The Gifted (Fox): The best incarnation of Marvel’s mutants yet, by far
Superstition (Syfy)
The Expanse
Black Mirror
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