Kavan Smith is an actor and fan favorite who can fit almost any role he is given to play. He is most recognized for sci-fi and other genre-related venues, for which he excels, however, his range as an actor far exceeds just that one element of performing.
Trained on the stage, Smith is articulate, funny, charming and can move between portraying the good, squeaky-clean character to the most notorious evil maniac, or crossover to a tender love story with equal grace and professionalism.
May sci-fi fans can tick-off his memorable roles in such award-winning and critically acclaimed TV shows such as “Stargate: SG-1,” “Stargate: Atlantis,” “The 4400,” “Battlestar Galactica, “Jeremiah,” and the highly popular online series “Sanctuary.”
Although Smith’s 12+ year career has been mainly dedicated to television productions, some of his big screen offerings have included “See Spot Run” with David Arquette and Michael Clarke Duncan, and Brian De Palma’s “Mission To Mars,” where Kavan starred opposite Gary Sinise, Tim Robbins and Don Cheadle.
Just before the new Fall TV series began our roving interviewer and reporter Linda Craddock had the opportunity to throw Kavan some questions and we think you will enjoy this wonderful interview with him.
Linda Craddock (SoSF): Hello Kavan and welcome to Slice of Scifi, how are you today?
Kavan Smith (KS): Fine thank you.
SoSF: The 4400 is now in its 4th season and you have worked on the project for 20 episodes. The story seems to have taken a different direction from previous seasons with regards to perception of the victims. Care to elaborate on some of the highlights?
KS: The show has most certainly headed off in new directions and I suppose the highlight for me, or rather for Garrity, thus far is the finale of this last season. I don’t want to give anything away but if there is to be a 5th season then it could prove very interesting indeed.
SoSF: Now that after what is it, 3 or 4 episodes already aired for season 4, what can we expect from Jed Garrityin terms of character development?
KS: The character is allowed to show a bit more depth which is nice. We explore his involvement with NTAC to a greater degree than ever before and I think the character is a bit more real. That tends to happen when he gets more play time.
SoSF: What do you like most about the show?
KS: I really like the people. Most folks say that but it’s usually bullshit. I can say honestly that being on set on The 4400 is a lot of fun.
SoSF: You shot one episode with Stargate: SG-1 (SG-1) in 2003. What do you think was the deciding factor to bring your character over to Stargate: Atlantis?
KS: Good question. One can never be sure what producers will do or why. But I’m glad of it. Always nice to work.
SoSF: Now we all know by now there are new elements to the Stargate: Atlantis project with the addition of Amanda Tapping and Jewel Staite and some interesting turn of events for a couple of key characters — How do you view season 4’s impact on the audience from past seasons?
KS: Key characters have “moved on” and others have joined. I think it will take time to see if the mix works for the audience. It certainly works for me. I really enjoy working with Amanda and Jewel. Both terrific people and talented actors.
SoSF: The last time we saw Lorne was in “First Strike”, the season finale. Will we see more of Major Lorne in the new season and do you get to work much with Amanda Tapping or Jewel Staite?
KS: I did in fact work with Amanda and Jewel though not at great lengths. Too bad. Lorne gets more responsibility this season. The role has become a bit more dynamic and the possibilities have really widened. I think that it really now gives Lorne a direction and not just relegated to being simply a secondary character.
SoSF: Stargate: Atlantis (SGA) will premiere end of September during television’s premiere schedule and at a new time slot. What are your views on this new schedule?
KS: All depends on what the lead in looks like. If the shows around us look good then that could be nice.
SoSF: You are working on both projects (The 4400 & SGA). How difficult is it to juggle your schedule to accommodate both series?
KS: It can be very difficult but you won’t catch me complaining. I like to work and this is a tough business at the best of times.
SoSF: My research showed me that when you auditioned for SGA you were reading for a new recurring character, not Lorne.
KS: That is correct but because Lorne had been on SG-1 only a couple season earlier they decided to bring the guy back and keep the name.
SoSF: It’s been said your favorite episode of SGA is “Runner”, does that still hold true?
KS: No. Well maybe. It’s hard to say. There was an episode near the end of season 4 that I really enjoyed doing. It’s a small bit but was extremely fun to do. Again it was with [David] Hewlett.
SoSF: After the cancellation of SG-1 and the renewal of SGA for a 4th season, what would you think could be the qualifying factor for a long run for another Stargate franchise series?
KS: I think it could happen but they need to find the right balance of old and new ideas. The fans like what the show is and has been but you need to always be looking for a little something else, something new, something exciting. If they can do that then I don’t see why it can’t go on for another 3 or 4 seasons.
SoSF: You are no stranger to the sci-fi genre having appeared in Sanctuary, Blade: The Series, and Tru Calling just to name a few. Is it safe to say you are comfortable with sci-fi or is it just the opportunities that presented themselves?
KS: [It’s] not something I set out to do. I live primarily in Vancouver and it seems that there are a large number of sci-fi shows that shoot here. So as an actor here chances are you’ll spend some time in the genre.
SoSF: Talk a little about the two episodes you appeared in on the Battlestar Galactica set.
KS: It was short and brief but very enjoyable. Wish the character didn’t die. Why not 3 recurring roles on sci-fi shows? {smiles}
SoSF: You touched on a little comedy with your appearance in 4 episodes in “Godiva’s”. Would you share that experience with us?
KS: Comedy is something I love to do whenever I get the chance. I come from theater and worked largely as a character actor so whenever something comes along I jump on it. Godiva’s was good fun and they really let me do pretty much whatever I wanted. In hind sight I should have gone even further.
SoSF: As you stated, you worked theater before going into TV and film. Tell us a little about how that has prepared you in your career path?
KS: Theater is where I fell in love with acting. Film is where I’ve made a living. I wish I were able to bring the two together with more success than I have. But I’m still trying. Fingers crossed.
SoSF: What are some of your career goals — doing more films, writing?
KS: Absolutely more writing. I’ve done some of my own projects and I’d love to keep after that if I can. I really want to get better as a performer. That is always a goal. But I suppose if I can find a way to marry artistic fulfillment and financial achievement then I’d be pretty damn lucky. That would be nice.
SoSF: Tell us something about Kavan that most people don’t know!
KS: [I] can recite Homeric poems in ancient Greek while juggling live grenades and chainsaws on a tightrope strung across the Grand Canyon. {Laughs} Nobody knew that.
A fine interview with one of my current favorite actors. Kavan’s humor and appeal just come across so well on the screen, no matter what part he’s playing. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed that The 4400 is picked up for another season, so we can see more of Jed Garrity, but what I’m really looking forward to is the character development of Major Evan Lorne on SGA. I’m always disappointed when I don’t see his name in the credits, even though I do love the show no matter what. Let’s hope they expand his role in future seasons!
wow! i got the same name as a actor!
Thank you for the interview! I, too enjoy seeing Kavan Smith’s credit on SGA as he brings a refreshing new personality to teh mix of characters. In my opinoin what makes the show special among Sci-Fi series is not just special effects but writing which allows the characters to really evolve. The addition of Major Lorne is certainly a good one. Like to see more of him in the series.