Tonight we bid farewell prematurely to Stargate: Universe.
The show concludes tonight with its final new episode and what could be the final look at the Stargate franchise for a while.
Syfy has sent over a preview of tonight’s episode.
STARGATE: UNIVERSE: (Monday, May 9, 9:00 ET) — “Gauntlet”
Eli and Rush think they’ve found a way to control the drones so that the Destiny can navigate to other planets to re-supply and ultimately reach the end of the galaxy. As Eli begins to break down the findings for the Colonel it is revealed that the drones are literally waiting at every gate between their current location and the edge of the galaxy. Basically, Eli thinks they’re screwed.
We now open up the comments thread to everyone to celebrate the greatness of SGU and to console each other that this is the end of the journey.
LocutusLodfda says
Browncoats Salute!
Jake says
Destroy one of the greatest franchises ever just so you can afford some (I should say rent)Aston Martins and tear Danial Craig away from remaking a movie that was just made 2 years ago! Just so you can make another crappy spy movie. And what stage are they at with the Hobbit? Are they only at making ugly wooden chairs for Bilbo’s house? Have they filmed anything yet?! Sorry. I’m just making run on sentences and yelling. I guess you do that when your a little pissed.
Skiznot says
There’s a twitter trend #SGU #StandingOvation going on today. I thought it was a good episode. I have a feeling they may have filmed the waking up but left that out so I could end on that open ended note. We knew the story would not be resolved but at least there was some nice emotional beats.
Sam says
As a series closer the episode rated about a B-. Story was solid enough, acting was superb as usual, of course the loose-ends had to tied-up rather quickly (i.e., finding the ore so easily), and, we are still left with a ton of unanswered questions, especially concering David Blue’s character. But, since it was open-ended there is always hope for a possible straight to DVD movie to give it a proper finish.
Andrew McDonald says
Is there hope for a DVD movie to finish things up? Are the sets still available or have they been scrapped?
I felt pretty let down by the series finale but that wasn’t their fault. They didn’t know they were being cancelled so they didn’t have a chance to even try wrapping things up. This was a great season ending episode but not a great series ending episode, obviously.
I’m pretty pissed at SyFy but then I am always pissed at SyFy these days.
Sam says
While SyFy certainly owns a goodly part of the blame for SGU’s cancellation most of the venom should be spewed in the direction of MGM, the owner of the franchise. The studio is currently in the midst of bankruptcy and nearly all their TV and film projects are either on hold or drastically curtailed at this time. Our best hope is one of two: Either MGM gets their financial house in order, or they are merged into a larger holding and the Stargate franchise gets a fresh new pair of managerial eyes who may appreciate what it still has to offer their bottom line and yes, the fans as well.
Arkle says
Actually Sam, “venom” was part of the problem; too many people directed it at this series for, shall we say, less than rational reasons, even to the point of sending vicious hate mail to the actors’ families.
I love being a geek, but sometimes it is impossible to defend our actions.
REM1701 says
Never let it be said that the SyFy channel ever met a decent Sci-fi project it wouldn’t Kill. Admittedly SGU and Caprica started off slooooooow but by year 2 (when the got the bugs worked out)and the series got good SyFy drops the ax. I’m getting the sense they don’t like space operas ie: SGA, SG-1, Farscape, BSG
Tim the Avatarless says
Nice ending that fits the general storyline. Will Eli fix his pod in time? Will the Destiny make it through the drones? What will be their ultimate destiny? So much better than Atlantis, imho. Too bad MGM can’t sell it to the BBC.
John says
I think the previous episodes would have been a more befitting ending. TO basically end it with no resolution is just wrong.
Michael Ruppert says
I have to say that even though I am sad to see SyFy completely screw up again by cancelling SGU.
The final episode was an extremely well written/acted way to go out. My hat is off to the SGU crew.
And oh yeah…stupid syfy channel.
Mike says
Actually, I think this episode worked as a perfect series finale, while still leaving it open to continuations in the form of DVD, TV movies, or as is more popular nowadays, comic books.
Ben Ragunton says
If there is to be any continuation of the series it will probably have to be in print as I’ve read a few interviews already saying that there will be no movies (either TV or direct to DVD) to wrap up the series.
What we saw is all that we’re going to get and we just have to live with it!
Peter says
Stargate Universe the message the ancients received is the Mirror-Hologram version of Destiny’s own destruction at the edge of the universe when it literally reaches the beginning of time and space and is distorted and causes the destruction of every thing and the big bang it self. Eli joined his love in the isolated computer partition and is proven to be the intelligence that started the universe as his mind and his love interest became one at the point of destruction. No one ever woke up and the drones were just plan stupid they are the Xindi of Stargate Universe.