Deadline is reporting that Syfy Channel has renewed Warehouse 13 for a fifth season, but it will be its final season, and only for a 6-episode run.
Meanwhile, for the rest of this season, you can follow Pete and some of the other characters live during the show (10pm PT/ET Mondays on Syfy) as they comment on that episode’s mission, as Syfy Channel hands them the keys to their Twitter accounts during the show.
Fans can get a glimpse of what the agents of Warehouse 13 are really thinking during their weekly adventures to snag, bag and tag the world’s charmed Artifacts, as the characters from the show where they can interact with fans, answer questions and share some personal commentary about the mission at hand.
Each Monday night during premiere broadcasts, fans joining the Live Tweet with a Warehouse 13 team member are privy to some character insights and bonus content. The Live Tweets and even more bonus content may also be accessed via the free Syfy App for iPad and Android tablets.
Viewers can access the complete Syfy Sync experience by downloading the app for iPad and for Android.
Pete Lattimer kicked off the new W13 character Live Tweets from the @Syfy Twitter handle during the Monday, April 29th mid-season return of Warehouse 13 with 10 all-new episodes.
“We have the absolute BEST fans! They love the show as much as we do, so we wanted to give them something above and beyond the usual extras” says Warehouse 13 showrunner, Jack Kenny. “Now they can have fun with Pete practically one-on-one, and go behind the scenes like never before. And hopefully have some laughs with us!”
For some episodes fans may get to vote for the character with whom they’d most like to Tweet. The schedule will be updated weekly on Syfy’s official Warehouse 13 Facebook fan page and
I will miss all of the characters, I love Saul Rubinek as Artie….and who doesn’t Faawwwn over Claudia from time to time…..What guy doesn’t want to be Pete and what Woman doesn’t wish to be intuitive as Myka?…..I love the Relic hunter slash X files with a bit of Humor?……I feel the show was still in it’s beginning…,, I will miss it Immensely.