Should Star Trek Into Darkness be a hit, odds are Paramount will be eager to sign off on a third installment. But what if director J.J. Abrams is busy working on the new Star Wars movie to return to the final frontier?
If that should happen, director Bryan Singer has expressed an interest in directing a third reboot installment.
“I’m friends with J.J. Abrams and so I was on the set visiting, which was really cool and it looks really awesome,” Singer tells Comic Book Movie. “They’re really great people. Chris Pine is lovely and I’m friends with Zachary Quinto and they’re all great. That would be the most fun part, to work with those people and to work with the lore that I love. I just…I’m like, the pressure of doing it would freak me out. Or might freak me out. That being said, if someone presented a story and a structure and the original director was supporting you, really supporting you and producing with you and behind you then maybe it would be a great experience.”
So, would you like to see Singer take over if Abrams isn’t available? Or should the franchise wait for Abrams to be available?
According to an article I read a few months after Star Trek was released both Quinto and Pine said that Paramount had already signed on to do at least two more films with them and the rest of the supporting cast, so a third should be in the planning stages already. Whether or not Abrams will direct is the only remaining question.
Probably depends on just how long Abrams wasn’t available. I would wait for Abrams if it wasn’t too long.
Bring back Robert Wise as director and Alan Dean Foster screenplay! I joke sometimes but not this time. Trek movies lost the sense of wonder along the way.