SyFy’s “Caprica” returns tonight at 10 p.m EST and actor Sasha Roiz says that there is some “great stuff” ahead in the second half of season one.
“You’re going to see a lot of power struggles within the Halatha, and you’re going to see collaborations between different characters that you wouldn’t have expected,” he tells io9. “A lot’s going to shift [and] a lot’s going to happen. No character’s safe.”
He also confirmed that a future instalment will focus on the childhood of the Adama brothers, Sam (Roiz) and Joseph (Esai Morales).
“There’s this great episode where we flash back to Esai and I as kids,” he explained. “[We are] on Tauron and you sort of see the beginnings of our world, and what created these two men. It’s going to be really insightful.”