In the lead up to Doctor Who Season 9, BBC America hosted a series they called “The Doctor’s Finest” that featured all of the episodes considered to be modern classics of the current era of Doctor Who, and we began to wonder if the fans agreed.
The episodes chosen were (re-aired between August 15-September 18):
The Waters of Mars
The End of Time
Vincent and the Doctor
The Doctor’s Wife
The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor
Deep Breath
Do you think these were the “Finest” episodes of the modern era Doctor we’ve come to love?
Lowell in Columbus says
It wasn’t that the episodes were not the Finest of the Doctor’s stories, but it was a good look at the rebooted series. My biggest problem was the presenter! She did not make me want to watch every episode she presented! She was either winking at the Whoovians or seemed to be talking down to the new viewers tuning in for the first time. I wan not impressed by her.
Summer Brooks says
Huh, hadn’t thought of that… that this was just a quick way to introduce folks to Doctor Who so they could feel comfortable jumping in with the premiere of Season 9 instead of feeling overwhelmed (or hounded by their geek friends) about needing to start watching from the beginning with current era Season 1.
Marketing. Who Knew? Okay, really, I didn’t mean that as a pun…