While the season finale gave audiences some of the answers concerning Christopher Chance, it didn’t give us all of them and it ended on a massive cliffhanger.
Luckily, fans won’t be left in the lurch. Fox has given the green light for a second season of the show.
The show will reportedly get a 13-episode pick-up.
“Human Target” will get a second season only with Matt Miller (“Chuck”) taking over as showrunner (with first season showrunner Jonathan Steinberg continuing as an executive producer on the series).
Based on a comic book series, the show had decent numbers but suffered from Fox pulling it all over the schedule to make room for “American Idol.”
Fox has gave the green light to a third season of “Lie to Me” which will air the second half of its second season this summer.
In life I’ve learned not to expect much in way of good things happening, and while in the overall scheme of things this is fairly insignificant, it nonetheless brightens, however minutely, an otherwise dreary day.
OMG, HECK YEAH! One of the most FUN new shows on TV.
Yeah! This is good news.
Great news! Fun show with a breathtaking Bear McCreary soundtrack.
The good news is that LIE TO ME was renewed. I’ve given up on HUMAN TARGET after four episodes.
It seems you gave up on the series after several standalone episodes, before its overarching mythology kicked in. It became significantly better with its recurring main story.
Interesting . . . I like Lie To Me, but depending on what they come back with, I’m poised to drop it.
Initially the series was excellent, and one of the very few vehicles, if not the only vehicle, I can stomach Tim Roth in (he does a great job with this character). However, at the end of the last run the stories became lacking . . . lacking plausibility, interest, and reasonable resolutions.
If they can get back to the core idea of the show, and concentrate on the human angle as opposed to fantastical situational plat, I’ll keep watching. Given their recent direction, I’m not hopeful.
I only watch Human Target when there are good guest stars. As much as I love Chi McBride and Jackie Earl Haley, there’s just something off-putting about Mark Valley to me. And it’s hard to watch a series where I don’t enjoy watching the lead.
Still, if it means that I can tune in every now and then for cool guests and get my fix of the support crew, that’s okay.
Human Target is one of those shows where I don’t really watch for the plot, or the characters, but for the awesome fight scenes. It’s almost a game with the show… where will the next fight take place?
Aren’t those just so much fun to watch? 🙂
I’m a big fan of the show. It seems to be a re-hash of MacGyver in terms of the overall theme. I like Mark Valley and Jackie Earle Haley as actors and think they play well off of each other. It’s a fun show that doesn’t require much thought.