“Journeyman” creator and executive producer and showrunner, Kevin Falls, sets the record straight on the future of the show’s first season. Rumors flew across the net, and we here at Slice also reported the possibility that this great show might not see the end of its full Season One run. However, Falls states that, while the show may not get a back nine (Season Two), NBC is ready to allow the entire first season to air – well, almost. Also, the final episode (if it sees the “light of day”), while not answering all fan’s questions, will bring sufficient closure, if the show isn’t picked up for a new season.
Here is Falls’ (KF) statement on the subject when asked by Premium Hollywood’s Bullz-Eye (BE):
BE: So what is going to happen with the remaining episodes? Because Ain’t It Cool News got everyone up in arms by saying that the network was gonna cancel the show unless the two-parter that started last night (Nov. 19th) and finishes next Monday (Nov. 26th) brings big numbers.
KF: Here’s what…I think what got twisted around was that episodes 8 and 9, the episodes in question there, were certainly important episodes. We’d up-kicked on 7, and 8 and 9 were sweeps, and so they’re gonna be watching that closely. That, coupled with the fact that, on Dec. 3rd, “Life†gets our slot…there’s gonna be a “Life†episode on that night, and I think they’re doing a Monday / Wednesday episode that’s a 2-parter, but you’d have to check on that…and I think that made it seem like we were gonna get yanked after that, but that’s not true.
We will air Episodes 10 and 11; 10 is our Christmas episode, and 11 is the first part of a two-parter that leads into our…season finale. (Writer’s note: I can’t do justice to the inherent depression in his use of the term “season finale,†but suffice it to say that the words didn’t come out easily.) Now, here’s what no-one knows about and what I just found out about last night: there’s no room for Episode 12. And the idea is…they’re not saying, “We’re not going to give you that back 9.†I mean, no-one can predict what’s gonna happen with the strike. But I think the idea is that NBC, what they want to do is tie up all their loose ends. Like, “Heroes†and “Life†and our show, have all that stuff done by the first of the year, so that they can, if there’s still a strike, air new programming or mid-season shows like “Medium†and “Lipstick Jungle†or another “Law and Order†and a ton of reality wallpaper, so they can start fresh. I think that’s (NBC President Jeff) Zucker’s thinking, and, business-wise, I get that. It makes sense. But what’s frustrating…and this is the second time I’ve been frustrated with the network…is because I love them so much and I think they do the best TV shows. It’s like being angry at your parents; you love them, but sometimes you don’t like what they’re telling you to do.
So we’ve got this Episode 12 dangling out there, and…I don’t know if it’ll ever see the light of day on the network. And it is…in some ways, it could very much be the series finale. And it’s really good. It’s directed by Alex Graves, it’s a really strong script, and it answers questions, and it’s gonna be one of those things that people are really, really gonna want to see. Now, I’ve been told that there’s gonna be a DVD, so you will get it. But it’s…what makes us so frustrated is that, at a time when writers are striking and networks need programming, why on earth would you not find a place for Episode 12? And that’s the question for which nobody seems to have an answer.
You can catch the entire interview with Kevin Falls HERE.
I’m very very disappointed at NBC for not trying hard enough to keep Journeyman. CSI lost me as a regular viewers last week, but I was very happy to find a great replacement. A show that is as intriguing as it is intelligent. Great writing, acting, directing, it has it all. I haven’t been this invested in a show for a long time.
NBC is surely going to lose my viewership for the Office and 30 Rock if they cancel Journeyman. why? because freaking Bionic woman is getting tons of promos when the show is mediocre at best, while most of my friends and coworker had not even heard of Journeyman until I mentioned them. They dig the show now, and I know the word is spreading. I collect DVDs of all the shows, and can’t wait to buy Journeyman’s, but heck for 11 episodes. Waste of money. so much excitement for nothing.
Just one note…the “back nine” would not be a “Season 2″…it would just be the rest of Season 1. Traditionally, new shows get up to 13 episodes in the initial order, so the damage is contained if the show flops. The “back nine” is the rest of the usual 22 episode season.
Thank you John. That should have read “all of a back nine(or Season Two) – which explains much better the — “well almost” at the close of the sentence.
Glad you found that error, and instead of correcting it in the article, we will let this comment and yours stand as the correction. 😉
J-Man beat both Bionic Woman and Life this week in the 18-49 demographics while sitting in a much tougher schedule slot, so hopefully NBC realizes it has a gem of a series on its hands and gives it the back-nine. One thing is true in the above comments – if NBC promoted the show the way it does Chuck, Heroes, Bionic Woman and Life, the ratings would be what they’re seeking. People only now are finding out about the show.
at least transfer the show to sci-fi!!!
it needs time and a better time slot. 10pm, 9 episodes, and next to 0 adds equal low viewers. it’s almost been force to be spread by word of mouth. give it a better time slot and it will flourish.
nbc and sci-fci will lose all my support if journeyman goes.
Thank goodness for the Sci-fi channel. I’m sure that they would pick up Journey Man in a second! Look what they did for Showtime’s Stargate SG-1!
I LOVE Journeyman! I HOPE they have another season of it. I didn’t mind it being on late, because I set my DVR to record it. I always looked forward to seeing the next episode and I really hope there will be more to come. I rarely ever watch TV, but that show really grabbed my attention and was a pleasure to watch.
Thank you!
Dawn R. Anton
This is one of the better shows on television today. It is sharp and interesting. Hope the powers that be do not shoot themselves in the foot by cancelling this winner.
I just finished watching the entire first season on hulu.com. I obsessed with the show. I came to see if there was a second season. I never watch t.v. Im confused did they cancel the show? If so BIG mistake.
I don’t even watch.T.V. but found this show compelling. NBC missed out on a damn good show, it had intelligence,great writing, superb acting w/ an amazing cast. I hope sci-fi picks it up.
Hello, Steven from Belgium to say: i have seen 2 episodes and already i am excited about it. I really hope they will make a second season. It would be very sad that the show will be canceled.