Source: SFX Magazine
Maria Bello sums up The Dark quite accurately during her interview in the extras on this DVD, when she comments that when it comes to the movie’s director, John Fawcett: “You can tell that he’s watched every thriller/ horror film that’s ever been made.�? Yes, you can tell. You can tell because almost all the themes, scenes and setups are embarrassingly easy to trace back to another movie. The Dark is heavily reminiscent of the Ring remake, but also has strong echoes of movies like Cold Creek Manor and even Poltergeist II. It’s a shame really, since Fawcett directed Ginger Snaps, which as well as being an interesting take on the werewolf film, helped create the Sick Chick Flick subgenre.
But if you detach yourself from your memory for a bit, this is a fairly decent movie – compared to your average teen schlock-horror movie, it’s practically Shakespeare. The tale of a couple (Maria Bello and Sean Bean) going through a divorce and the mysterious disappearance of their daughter in the depths of rural Wales, combined with the appearance of a little girl from the past, is genuinely creepy. However, underdeveloped character relationships mean that the movie doesn’t really achieve the emotional pay-off that it wants. On the plus side, there are evil sheep.
If you’re able to forget the majority of the horror/suspense movies you’ve ever seen, then this is a great yarn, but otherwise, it’s semi-interesting copycat fare.
The cinematography is one of the better aspects of The Dark and so the cast and crew interviews are of some genuine interest. Much gushing and back-slapping, as expected. The alternative ending included is a little more cheery than the original, but has a lot less impact.
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