Are you, like me, growing very tired of this continuous onslaught of summer heat and humidity? Weeks of non-spot sizzler upper 90’s and 100+ temps are causing tempers and attitudes to reach that same boiling point.
Well, Uncle Sam has got a cool-down remedy for you. For less than the price of one hour of running your own home air conditioning unit, you can sit in a comfortable, freezing, low-lighted theater and watch my Top 10 Summer Movie Pics to soothe your heated brow.
For all you purists out there I have placed scifi/horror/fantasy films in bold.
Number 10: Miami Vice – Colin Ferrell & Jamie Fox
Yeah, I know – but it’s better than frying.
Number 9: The Devil Wears Prada
The devine Meryl Streep has never been better.
Number 8: Little Man
Just for the sheer low-brow humor of it.
Number 7: Edmund
William H. Macy is one of the greatest living and most underated actors living today. He is spellbinding in this awesome dark thriller.
Number 6: A Scanner Darkly
Put it here just to piss off Evo – And, because it is not that bad.
Number 5: Superman Returns
If you read my earlier review, then I need say no more.
Number 4: Pulse
Pure fright night!
Number 3: Lady In The Water
Another winning performance from the wonderful talent that is Paul Giamatti
Number 2: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Already more dollars and hype thrown at this one – I don’t need to add any more.
And my Number One movie to see this summer is:
SNAKES ON A PLANE with Samuel L. Jackson
Two words: Snakes and Jackson – Nuf’ said!
Now get in there and cool off!
I’ve seen two of these, so far: Superman Returns and A Scanner Darkly. I know I’ll be seeing Pirates, the one movie my wife wants to see. I know I’ve heard something about this “Snakes on a Plane” movie, but I can’t remember where…
I second (third?) A Scanner Darkly. Great flick to mess with your mind for a little while. Very Dick-ish.
Lady in the Water gets a recommendation from me. I thought I’d shy away from Shyamalan films after being unimpressed with Signs and downright pissed off at The Village, but after seeing it I’d rank Lady ahead of Unbreakable and just behind Sixth Sense.
Little Man over Clerks 2 in regards to low brow comedy? Maybe it’s just that I shy away from Wayne’s Bothers movies, but really, this is Kevin Smith at his low brow peaks.
Kevin Smith low brow? Please! The man is a genius.