TV Guide is reporting that television viewing hits an all-time low. The week of July 3rd goes on record as being the least-watched seven-day span in TV history. Remember, we are talking at least 40 years worth of television viewing history since records were starting to be kept on such things. The big four (ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox) drew just 20.8 million viewers during the average prime-time minute, according to Nielsen, “besting” the previous low of 21.5 mil set during the last week of July 2005.
“Not only is it summertime, but I blame the networks for all the crap they have on that they call entertainment these days for the lack of interest in TV,” voiced one of our outspoken fans who goes by the moniker of Vulcanfanatic. “Reality Shows, endless cloned cop shows and moronic adult cartoons really put me off enough to pull away from the tube as well. Seems like I watch most of my shows on DVD now, instead of televison. Commercials really make you not want to watch TV as well, as it seems like there are more commercials than TV Show now. Greedy broadcast networks are to blame for their own lack of viewership IMO.”
Are you listening network and cable television execs? I have a feeling that the views expressed by Vulcanfanatic are shared by millions of other viewers and last week’s ratings should be proof enough for that.
with additional comments from Vulcanfanatic (Slice of SciFi Fan)
The unbearable frequency and invasiveness of advertising has killed all TV’s allure for me. Add to that the increasing availability of classic sci-fi shows on DVD. Why watch TV?
You got that right, Karl.
I’m to the point where I find myself taping the few shows I actually watch on network TV and watching later when I can fast forward through the ads.
And don’t get me started on the pop-up ads on TV.
But regarding the week of July 3rd, it’s hardly a good indicator. I know plenty of people who took advantage of the mid-week holiday and hit the road for vacations.
The rest of them were at the movie theatres watching Pirates. (Arrrr!)
This is why God invented TIVO. Unless I am on the road traveling (an all too frequent occurance)I don’t watch any regular TV. And with a Netflix account, I find I can take enough DVDs along to keep me occupied.
I have young adults at home who never watch TV, everything is DVD or on line. So “traditional TV” may be dying, but as far as my kid’s generation is concerned it’s already dead.