News Bytes:
- Blu-Ray scheduled for US debut on May 23
- George Lucas predicts cost of movie-making will drop sharply
- Spielberg confident in Dave Koepp’s ability to hammer Indy 4 into shape in time
- DaVinci Code lawsuit update
Movie Talk: Anime classic Taro the Dragon Boy (1979) finds life in new DVD release.
Slice of Trivia: Trivia for Dummies
TV Talk: Stargate SG1 will be crossing characters with Stargate Atlantis in it’s upcoming 10th season, and Atlantis crew will be showing up at SGC
Interview: Independent musician and Popular Science Magazine’s contributing troubador Jonathon Coulton joins us for a spell.
Future Talk: What’s Coming Up?
- Jack Black on deck next in Master of Space and Time
- Paul Giamatti joins the cast of time travel thriller Tender Interface
Listener comments: If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. We’ve got plenty of voicemail from fans to listen and respond to, but you’ll hear that in a fresh, separate show.
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Jeremy from Seattle says
Damn, Jonathon’s site isn’t loading!!
nathan says
Thanks to the miracle of Google, your mystery quote from Sci-Fi trivia is from Deadwood
Rhettro says
Hmmmm… A good movie where people from the present got to the past? How ’bout “Army of Darkness?”
Mark in NY says
It’d be interesting to see a world where feature films are made for around $15mil, but first we have to see the demise of the mega-star, who gets around that much just for their part. Not that ending such insane salaries for doing one film would be a bad thing; mayhap we’d see a rise in new faces getting a crack at showing their stuff! Could there even be–gasp–a rise in risk taking among film makers?
Greg says
“Thanks to the miracle of Google, your mystery quote from Sci-Fi trivia is from Deadwood”
Indeed, the one and only William Sanderson, who the guys would have recognized his voice from a little film called ‘Bladerunner’ (J.F. Sebastian).
As for BSG, it’s Ronald D. Moore. When I go back and watch TNG episodes it’s almost a dead certainty that his name is always attached to my favorite episodes as the writer – albeit that he wrote a heck of a lot of them.
Why he’s not a household name is something that’s always puzzled me.
Tony says
If a show has already aired, then there are no spoilers. Those of us who have watched the latest episode of BSG shouldn’t have to keep our comments to ourselves, because some people have too much stuff to watch on their Tivos.
Joe says
Well, Tony, generally you’re right, except that Slice of Scifi is listened to by a world wide audience, and not everyone gets to see TV shows and movies at the same time. Besides, more often than not, one of us in the studio hasn’t seen the episode yet, so we don’t want to spoil each other.
Mad Dog says
Right on Joe – we’ve only had season 1 of BSG here down under (on free-to-air TV). Not all of us have access to cable TV or import DVD’s. Having said that, I do understand that you can’t stay spoiler-free forever & if I’m going to listen to a sci-fi podcast then spoilers are likely to happen. Either way, great show!
Tony says
I understand there is a global audience, but it’s kinda frustrating to never hear you guys talk about the latest stuff. It’s almost like a paradox, because there are always people that aren’t caught up. Would you consider doing a US edit and a global edit of the podcast? I love the podcast. BSG should be required viewing for all hosts prior to recording the podcast.
Alvie says
“Well, Tony, generally you’re right, except that Slice of Scifi is listened to by a world wide audience, and not everyone gets to see TV shows and movies at the same time. Besides, more often than not, one of us in the studio hasn’t seen the episode yet, so we don’t want to spoil each other.”
So by this logic myself and those who want to talk/rant about BSG need to make sure everyone and their mom have seen said show and are ok to speak about it?. Ok, thats cool. Remind me to post about the BSG finale around this time in 2008, just to make sure the world is up to date.
TallGirl says
“It’d be interesting to see a world where feature films are made for around $15mil, but first we have to see the demise of the mega-star, who gets around that much just for their part. Not that ending such insane salaries for doing one film would be a bad thing”
If a studio will make $100+ million from a movie because Star X is in it, then it’s not so insane…or unreasonable…for Star X to demand to get paid $15 million of that.
fred says
Good show. Great singer. On BSG, does not Starbuck look a hundred times hotter with the long blonde hair or what? On the end moments I only have this to say, the return of Captain Mudd.
And if you watched the Shield you got to see Gina Toress(sp?) aka Zowie’s beautiful round assets. Which is worth viewing again and again until an ice cube is chucked at your head.
Mark in NY says
You’ve certainly got a point TallGirl; my main point was the show named a specific figure of around $15 million for making feature films. If any “big names” are in it, and are paid at the “old” rates, that figure doesn’t seem possible since it wouldn’t even cover their salary. Am I making sense, here? I, for one, wouldn’t mind if that meant all the expensive actors are out of work, since I couldn’t care less who’s in a film, so longas it’s a good story and they do a good job in it. Still, and again, where does the so-named figure fit in with today’s pay scales? Geekily enquiring minds sort of want to know.
V says
There’s a chance the first Blu-ray movies will be compressed with MPEG-2, but at a higher bitrate and/or at a higher resolution, so it should (could) still be higher quality than the normal DVDs. At least Sony plans on sticking with MPEG-2 for a while.
Zac says
Yankovic does not have an h in it. Check out for proof.