On This Week’s Show: Author Michael Stackpole joins Michael and Evo in the studio!
Michael, Evo and Mike Stackpole are still recovering from last weekend’s Dragon*Con.
The News This Week:
- Threshold premiere gets big screen treatment
- Favreau’s Zathura to debut at FantasticFest
- TFU’s Enterprise Fan Appreciation Letter Campaign
- Doctor Who Update for next season: Cybermen and K-9
- Hal Duncan’s first novel Vellum sets sales records
Other Topics:
- Dragon*Con Full Summary: Podcasters, Fans, Costumes and Stars
- All Hail The Bards! Now, where can the guys get their own kilts?
- viral transmission vectors found at conventions
- Voicemail responses, and SF efforts to help Katrina evacuees
If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. (Our Voicemail Number: 206-339-TREK)
See you in a week with fresh, new content!