The comedy/horror film Burying the Ex, stars Anton Yelchin (of Star Trek fame) and Ashley Greene (of Twilight fame) alongside Alexandra Daddario and Oliver Cooper.

This movie is fun and entertaining, and utterly stereotypical. We have the nerdy-esque Max (played by Yelchin) who is big into the old classic horror films and works at a campy but fun, horror shop in Hollywood. He is dating the seriously bat-shit crazy-but-gorgeous girlfriend Evelyn (played by Greene), who takes caring for the environment a little too far.
It’s also got the slightly unattractive male best friend/half brother Travis (played by Cooper) who is obsessed with big boobs and getting laid (which oddly enough he does often in the film which is kind of creeptastic and not quite as funny as I think the writers were hoping for).
While still with his utterly controlling, but gorgeous girlfriend, Max enters an ice cream parlor called “I Scream” and meets what could potentially be his Perfect Match, Olivia (played by Daddario). She too loves classic horror and retro horror camp, as evidenced by her shop.
After boning in the Hollywood horror shop, one of the weird toys, a “real satanic artifact,” is sitting in a crate and Evelyn picks it up and sets in on the shelf. When Evelyn makes Max promise that they’ll be together forever, the genie-in-the-Satan thinks this should be a thing and works its satanic mojo.
However, after having Evelyn move in, Max decided that, well, it’s really not working and he needs to end it. He picks his meeting place, and while Evelyn is crossing the street… WHAM! She gets hit by a bus. Problem solved, right?
After weeks of mourning his dead girlfriend, Max hooks up with Olivia after seeing some classic horror films in a double feature. Little does he know that now that he’s ready to move on, his bitchy ex crawls out of her grave to find him. The problem is, she just won’t die! Again.
What ensues is a slightly lackluster comedy of errors with Evelyn exceptionally horny and wanting to sex up her boyfriend all the time while she’s decaying and getting grosser by the minute, and Max wanting to sex up Olivia and hiding his dead ex’s existence from her.
This movie is neither extremely funny nor scary, but it’s got that campy kind of charm that makes it a potential for a cult classic, especially since the two stars are moderately well known.
It’s the kind of film you’d watch with your friends late at night, while drinking and eating pizza and popcorn, and thoroughly MST3King it.
Burying the Ex
Available on Blu-ray and DVD (August 4, 2015)
Actors: Anton Yelchin, Ashley Greene, Alexandra Daddario, Oliver Cooper
Director: Joe Dante
Rated: R (Restricted)
Studio: Image Entertainment
Run Time: 89 minutes
Reviewing "Burying the Ex"
This movie is neither extremely funny nor scary, but it’s got that campy kind of charm that makes it a potential for a cult classic, especially since the two stars are moderately well known.
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