UFOs have been a hot topic for nearly 70-years since that first big newspaper headline in 1947 from Roswell, New Mexico announcing that the Army Air Corps retrieved a crashed UFO and its dead inhabitants.
Hints of UFO activity have been around since humans began chronicling their daily lives on the walls of caves, clay tablets and papyrus reeds, but with the advent of cable television this phenomena has reached fever pitch. Nearly every available channel worldwide, reputable and questionable in nature, has had its special UFO programming – from The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, even The Learning Channel and now another big cable network has joined in the UFO craze with its entry. The Destination America Channel will begin airing its own UFO oriented programming on Thursday, May 8 at 9/8c.
ALIEN FILES investigates recently released documents recording alien and UFO encounters, made accessible to the public in 2011 by the Freedom of Information Act. Based on this newly revealed information, the show re-examines key evidence and follows developing leads.
The producers of this show promise that ALIEN FILES offers a unique, 360-degree look at how alien interaction may have affected our past and how it will affect our future. Abductions, invasions, and conspiracies about aliens surround our world every day, from nightly news to video games to the latest box office hit. Future programs in ALIEN FILES will delve into the “photoshopping” of space, the value of Wikileaks, and the role social media plays in alien stories.
The network gave me an early screening of the first episode that will air this week and what the producer’s promised pretty much holds up to their hype. I have been a pretty consistent watcher of these UFO/Alien shows for several years now and ALIEN FILES stacks up as much the same with a few interesting asides and tidbits you may not see on the other shows (due to the more up-to-date information), however, it remains standard UFO/Alien fare.
I will likely be adding ALIEN FILES to my DVR-queue because I’m kind of into this sort of thing but it may not offer much new to add for those not needing another fix to their alien encounter junkie habit.