While we don’t yet know how many episodes have been found, the BBC this morning confirmed that it has recovered several episodes of classic Doctor Who.
On their news site, the BBC confirmed that “a number” of missing Doctor Who episodes have been recovered. An announcement on what has been found and how fans can get their hands on them is expected later this week.
That information will be given to the public at a screening later this week.
Speculation indicates the episodes most likely come from the Patrick Troughton era of Doctor Who.
The last complete story to be returned to the archives was “Tomb of the Cybermen” over twenty years ago. Since that time, several clips and individual installments have been found. No word yet on if the find is a complete story or could complete a partial story that already has several episodes held by the BBC.
The good news comes as the series gears up to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in November.
Source: BBC News: BBC to reveal a number of missing Doctor Who episodes