While we don’t know when the good Doctor will make his triumphant return to our screens just yet, we can tell you the title of the premiere episode and when a select group of gathered critics will get a look at it.
The British Film Institute will screen “Asylum of the Daleks” on August 14, 2012. The screening will include a Q&A with producer Steven Moffat as well as other yet to be confirmed members of the cast and crew.
You may recall that Moffat has said this episode will feature EVERY Dalek ever seen over the course of the series run, including the Special Weapons Dalek from “Remembrance of the Daleks.”
And while we don’t yet know a specific date for the return of Doctor Who, we can assume it will be sometime soon after this screening.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they premiere it at Dragon Con. It would be a good place to do it. Especially if they were able to get more than one Doctor to appear in Atlanta.