While we still don’t know who Benedict Cumberbatch is playing in the next Star Trek movie, we can tell you four more characters who won’t appear in the next film.
According to Ain’t It Cool News, writer Roberto Orci has said we will not see Janice Rand, Gary Mitchell, the android Ruk or Charlie Evans in the upcoming film.
Orci also said that we will not see the Borg in the next film.
Orci did say he’s 75% certain the next film’s title will include the words “Star Trek.”
Mr, Hickerson, if that’s ALL U had to write? U could’ve kept that waste of space 🙁
One thing I’m certain we will see is the overuse of lense flare.
@REM1701 – You want to take over reporting for free? I say well done Mike, keep up the good work.
@Bruce – Isn’t the USE of lens flares the same as the OVERUSE of lens flares? ;0)
Thanks Michel Daw. I tend to not let trolls bug me!
If it doesn’t contain the words “Star Trek” in the title is it still Star Trek, or just a sci-fi space movie.
If the title doesn’t contain the words Star Trek, they’ll have to sell the action figures and toys cheaper.