Remember the news coming out of Comic Con that Karen Gillan was staying on for another season?
Turns out that’s mostly true.
Gillan and Arthur Darvill are leaving Doctor Who as full time companions at season’s end. But they’ll still be “at home” companions for the upcoming seventh series.
According to the Daily Star, Amy and Rory will decide to leave the TARDIS at the end of the series. The two will head back home and settle down.
Before that happens, the Star reports there will be a lot of tears and that they’ll be reunited with their baby, Melody Pond.
Right now, it’s just a rumor, but given that Darvill is staring in a play that could conflict with the filming of the upcoming Christmas special and Gillan has said she’s be back next year but hasn’t offered details beyond that, this could be true.
We’ll keep our eyes and ears peeled for details and post them as we have them.
Evan says
Thanks for the spoiler warning, bastards. (Removing SoS bookmark.)
Mike H says
If you were worried about spoilers, you should have just stopped at the title of the article. No one forced you to click on the link.
Evan says
I did stop at the title.
Lejon from Chandler says
Companions come and go. There is always the Doctor. The future is bright if we pause to consider that a new companion might be awesome.
I look forward to series 7.
Ben Ragunton says
Ever since the series came back under Russell T. Davies, it was changed insofar that the stories were now being told basically from the companion’s POV. Everything was about whoever it was traveling with the Doctor, and not about a Time Lord in a stolen TARDIS rescuing his companion for the umpteenth time.
With that, I say bravo to Karen and Arthur leaving the series as traveling companions to the Doctor. Amy’s story is being told and is almost done. I’m pretty much ready to see a new companion and to discover his/her story and how it affects the Doctor in his life and travels.
Glyn says
Speaking of spoilers, didn’t they loose one of the founders over spoiler nonsense? C’mon folks.
Brian Brown says
Glyn – Who? Wha? When?
Sam says
@Evan: Spoilers? What spoilers? Have you been watching the series? It was quite evident just from the last couple of episodes that Amy & Rory were no longer going to be full-time companions of the Doctor, in fact, he (the Doctor) even says as much in the scene in front of their townhouse.
Also, if you have watched BBC at all then all the ads concerning the upcoming episodes and season of Doctor Who give it away quite clearly.
So, sorry to see you go Evan, but tootles.
@Glyn: the “Founders: of SoSF are Mike & Evo, plus I came on just 2 1/2 weeks after the first 15 minute “Save the Enterprise” podcast in 2005 and began the show’s on air and online news content for Slice. Mike is still here, Evo has moved on to different projects (which had absolutely nothing to do with so-called spoilers), and I went into a semi-retirement due to a heart condition, but as you may have noticed, I still play a small part in the continuation of this wonderful news & entertainment service called Slice of SciFi. Summer Brooks came on soon after me and she too is still very much involved on the other side of the microphone with the show and website. So, not quite sure where you are getting your information but I hope this clears up the mistake.
sean from edwards says
Amy and Rory leaving the show doesn’t bother me. What does is how they treat the loosing of a child like it’s nothing. Oh River/Melody is being cared for by complete strangers, no biggie, let’s go adventuring with the doctor. I know that as a parent I wouldn’t be satisfied with that. I think that for all it’s americanized faults that the way Torchwood handled Gwen with her baby was much better, go Mama Bear Gwen, even the stuble touch of her putting ear protection on the baby during the shootout. Heck even the way Craig was a Dad to Alfie was more convincing and was probably the best part of what was arguably a pretty weak episode overall.