Stargate Universe: “Deliverance,” “Twin Destinies” & “Alliances”
Airdates: Monday, March 7, 14 & 21 at 10 p.m. EST on SyFy.
Slice of SciFi Rating: 5.0 out 5.0
SGU continues to impress as one of TV’s best genre shows
Fans upset that SyFy has given the boot to one of television’s most promising and entertaining series will find multiple reasons to get upset all over again when Stargate: Universe returns Monday, March 7th at 10 p.m. Based on the three episodes provided by SyFy for review, SGU returns in full stride, effectively resolving the immediate tensions of the mid-season season cliffhanger and continuing to explore the larger storylines that have been running through the second season.
When we last saw Destiny and her crew, the ship was in between a rock and a hard place, between two potentially overwhelming alien fleets. As the second half of season two opens, some interesting decisions are made to try and buy Destiny some time and to allow the crew to get out of their predicament. As has been the case for a season and a half now, there are no easy answers and all the decisions have consequences not only for the episode at hand but the on-going story arc.
Once the heavy lifting of tying up a few loose ends and spinning things off in new directions is done in “Deliverance,” the series then delivers one of its strongest episodes to date in “Twin Destinies.” When Eli comes up with a way to potentially get everyone home using the power of a star and the Stargate itself, strange things begin to happen with time. If you’ve seen the Next Generation episode “Time Squared,” you’ll have an idea of what happens next, though SGU is once again up to the task of taking a standard genre storyline and putting its own spin on things thanks to its emphasis on the characters.
And it’s not just the regular cast getting solid screen time. While Young, Rush and Eli get a lot of screentime in these episodes, fans will be happy to see the secondary characters Brody and Volker continue to get their moments to shine in each episode. And there’s a bit of humor in the storylines (one scene in particular has Eli wondering if Stargate command will offer in a position should they get home and the reaction by various crew members is one of the highlights of the first three episodes).
That’s not to say that SGU has lost its touch in delving into the darker corners of the Stargate universe. And the show also continues to bring in death to characters at unexpected moments.
And yes, all of this will just make you angry the show’s been canceled just as its really hitting a stride. But don’t let that anger distract you too much from enjoying this final run of ten. Based on the first three episodes screened, it’s going to be quite a ride as we head down the stretch toward the ending.
Canceling this show is one of the dumbest decisions yet. The sets are too dark and colorless and the story has been plodding at times, but there has been steady improvement in stories and character development which has been rewarded by a growing loyal following. Too bad SyFy jumped the gun. Maybe they will change their mind???
SyFy should realize they need some true/original Science Fiction series to keep their core audience. A steady diet of tired horror movies and disaster flicks will be the death of them yet.
The first half of the first season was kind of on the weak side, but this second season ROCKS!!!! I hate that they are canceling the show.
I haven’t decided if I will even watch this on SYFY or just wait for the DVD. If you cancel a shoe before in is even finished why bother watching. Screw you SYFY!!
With the exception of Warehouse 13 and occasional re-runs of Enterprise there isn’t a whole lot to like on syfy. Maybe they should take a cue from FX and networks like A&E and stick with your shows instead of canceling them so quickly.
Would be funny if the ratings skyrocketed…maybe teach Syfy a lesson.
@Jayson. Well, since the SGU producers are still shopping the show around to other outlets, I’d say tune in. While we may not get a third season, it may convince someone to sign off on a movie or mini-series to wrap things up.
SYFY bites for cancelling this and leaving other junk on. Asimov is turning over in his grave on what they did to his channel
i hate you syfy
Syfy… By canceling SGU i have decided to resign as a loyal fan to your network. I am giving my notice to you..once SGU is over i will no longer follow your network. it was a pleasure, hopefully you will reopen the series or give it a proper ending or start a new even more amazing series on stargate but not cancel it then i will return. but only then good luck to you syfy network.
the zachinator
Unfortunately I’m still stuck with watching SyFy only because of Warehouse 13 and Eureka. It’s just a matter of time before those shows go away and then none of us will have ANY reason to stick around watching this pathetic channel…
Syfy… After pulling SGU! You have lost another viewer completely and I will not be coming back… I hope you FAIL and burn in hell!