In the News:
- The exhaust plume from the space shuttle has given scientists the clue that may unlock the mystery of the Tunguska Event.
- Actor Shia LaBeouf discusses his video-game console preference.
- TV studios and networks will have a huge presence at this year’s San Diego Comic Con
Movie Talk:
- Christopher Columbus says the long-proposed “The Goonies” sequel could finally be happening.
- We’ve got the latest on the American remake of “Let the Right One In”
Slice of Trivia: This week Kurt in St. George tests the studio crew and you with three new clips. Email your clips to Kurt. Your entries could get picked and played on the show.
TV Talk: When actor John Barrowman heard the third season of “Torchwood” was shortened to five episodes, he wasn’t happy about it. But creator Russell T. Davies defends the decision and talks about why the run could be a good thing for the show.
Interview: This week, Mike and Brian talk to Luke Cafeo, the star of the award-winning web-series “Luke 11:17” Find out more about this fascinating new series and figure out where you can find episodes.
In the Future:
- Steven Spielberg and Noah Wyle are teaming up again for an alien invasion series on TNT.
- “Alien Nation” is coming back! Listen for the details on what SyFy hopes will be the next “Battlestar Galactica”
Listener comments: If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. Keep your comments brief, or funny, and maybe you’ll hear your message on the voicemail show!
Link: Luke 11:17
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