In my opinion the Russell T. Davies created “Torchwood” is one of the best adult-oriented sci-fi series on television in the 21st Century. It is smart, intelligent, witty, and not afraid to tackle tough, and one-time taboo, subject matter.
Season Two continues with the intensity begun in Season One and gets more defined as more than a “Doctor Who” spin-off. It is in this second season that the show truly comes into its own with wonderful fleshing-out of the lead characters first introduced last year. The series also makes a really brave move in its sophomore year by eliminating two of its pivotal characters. I won’t tell you who they are, I don’t want to ruin it for those who may not have seen the season yet. But, doing such a thing at such an early period in the series history just shows how daring this program is willing to be and what lengths they will go to in order to keep the storylines honest, gripping, powerful and engaging.
Season Two sees the team continue, in a ramped-up mode, their encounters with alien terrorists, stranded creatures threatened by Earth’s inhabitants, a beautiful – but tragic soldiers story from World War I and so much more. There is even a surprise wedding for ……
There is a bevy of guest stars for Season Two including Buffy’s James Marsters as fellow time-traveler Captain John Hart, Freeman Agyeman (Martha Jones from “Doctor Who”), Alan Dale, Ruth Jones and more.
What makes this DVD pak release so exciting isn’t just the episodes. It contains some great Special Features including deleted scenes, wonderfully funny outtakes, a bonus documentary titled The Life and Deaths of Captain Jack, and a feature called Torchwood Declassified.
This DVD is a must for all SF fans who pride themselves in viewing intelligent sci-fi for adults and is a great companion to last year’s Season One DVD release.
For the Slice of SciFi 0 to 5 star rating…”Torchwood: The Complete Second Season” rates 4 out of 5.
While I’m very happy to have season 2 on DVD, I’m a bit disappointed at the lack of audio commentaries. The first season had them for every episode. 🙁
The extras that are there are fantastic, though. And the program itself just keeps getting better. Go buy a copy if you can find it. (I had to go to three different stores.)
The Beeb cut the money on the extras this year….
So they only had the funds for the documentaries, most of which are kind of not so hot…
I was very pleased with the 2nd Season of Torchwood and I think that, next to Battlestar, it is the finest adult oriented sci-fi show on TV.
I’m hoping to see more Freema Ageyman and James Marsters in Season 3.
Thanks to BT Airlines, I got to see the series uncut, commercial-free…like it should be seen.
No commentaries? Hmmm….I guess I’ll be buying the ‘official’ DVDs later and just keep enjoying my homemade boxed set.
I wouldn’t necessarily put Torchwood in the same class as BSG.
BSG is a show made by grown-ups, for grown-ups that deals with real issues and does so in a way that is grown-up.
Torchwood reminds me of how boys in junior high see the world of grown-ups and seems to be written and produced that way.
*All* TV shows are from the viewpoint of junior high boys.
Who do you think runs the entertainment industry? And who’s the most desired target audience…especially for TV? 18-49 year old males.
In other words: Jr. High School Boys.
That having been said…Torchwood, for me, ranks up there with BSG in that it is unapologetically adult…but unlike BSG, is not afraid to have a slightly goofy side. Case in point, the flat-out romp: “Something Borrowed”.
As a spin-off of Doctor Who, Torchwood can’t help but be a little lighter in tone than BSG.
Love this show. Still don’t why The Captain doesn’t die. He’s not a Time Lord.
Why the Captain dosent die is still a secret in Torchwood, but it was explained in Dr. Who season 3 if I remember correctly