In the News:
- Paramount Pictures has acquired the rights to “Lost City of Z,” a manuscript from writer David Grann.
- Cartoon Network has given the OK for 30 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, each being a 30-minute long full CGI mini-movie.
- Researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York believe they are close to having supercomputers be able to create a Matrix-styled or Star Trek holodeck simulated reality.
Special Review Segment: Anna in Washington reviews the LARPing documentary Darkon.
Movie Talk:
- For nearly eight years “Star Trek: Hidden Frontier” has continued Starfleet missions taking up where Picard’s Enterprise left off in the ninth film, “Insurrection”, protecting the Briar Patch. In 2008, the fan film franchise will finish up its major collaboration with another fan film production called “Star Trek: Intrepid” for their joint venture titled “Operation Beta Shield.”
“Hidden Frontier” has also announced a fourth outing in the series called “Star Trek: Federation One.” It will be a four-part miniseries that will follow the doings of the Federation President and all his/her staff as they work on deliberations begun in “Operation Beta Shield.”
- D-mented Entertainment is a collaboration between Ray-Ban’s Lucottica Group and 3D technology company Kerner Optical, and they are set to launch a designer line of 3D glasses for any moviegoer who wants a pair.
Slice of Trivia: Kurt in St. George is back, and wants to know what our favorite “so bad it’s good” movies. The list may never end…
TV Talk:
Not to get your hopes up prematurely, but there may be new life for “Jericho” in the works. CBS and cable operator Comcast Cablevision may work out a collaboration funding deal, similar to the one NBC and DirecTV worked out to keep “Friday Night Lights” on the air.
Interview: This week, our guest is Michael Trucco, who portrays Sam Anders on Battlestar Galactica, a fan favorite who’s recently discovered he’s truly a Cylon.
Michael talks to us about the shock of the revelation of his being a Cylon at the end of Season 3, and more, but don’t worry… we didn’t coerce any spoilers or story secrets from him and get him in trouble with Ron Moore and the gang.
Future Talk:
What is “Artemis Eternal?” It is a professional sci-fi fantasy short intended for film festivals and traveling screenings. The project has tremendous vendor and community support and is funded independently by you, the filmgoer. On the official site, for the project, which is, visitors can explore an interactive map of the movie’s development, track progress and impact production by contributing funds of $1 or more.
The overall project for “Artemis Eternal” began over a year ago and is noted for its advanced presentation, professional packaging and the involvement of high-profile crew members, such as a noted computer artist, Greg Martin. With the budget almost half-way reached thus far, filming is set to begin in May. So, exactly what is this film going to be about? According to Stover, “The best sci-fi really comes down to metaphor and an exploration of Philosophy. Even the best episodes of Star Trek accomplish that. Simplified, Artemis Eternal is about questioning what society expects of you and what we accept as normal. Individuality vs. Society’s Norms, participating in rites of passage that maybe don’t mean anything to you.”
Listener comments: If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. Keep your comments brief, or funny, and maybe you’ll hear your message on the voicemail show!
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Another good show. Sounded like you guys made poor Mr Trucco nervous. Maybe you can have him do a guest spot on Cover to Cover and have a special triple threat show.
Poor guy. I didn’t really care much about Anders in the beginning, but I didn’t hate him. Now that he’s a permanent part of the show I like him.
It was good to hear an actor sound ‘real’. I liked that he sounded a little nervous and excited to talk with real fans. Great interview!! Way to go again Slice of Scifi!