In the News:
- Microsoft was heavily committed to HD DVD, but with the fall of that format in its battle with Blu-ray, the giant software and gaming company will stop making HD DVD video players for its Xbox 360 gaming console.
- SCI-FI to SCI-FACT: CSI investigators now have a new tool in their belt to track down killers, murder victims and other felons, and it all boils down to good ole H20 and a strand of hair.
- Russia is now set to create its most costly film ever that will be a SF movie based on the classic Russian novel “Obitaemy ostov,” a.k.a. “An Inhabited Island.”
Movie Talk:
- Producer Chris Carter and writer Frank Spotnitz are promising fans of the “X-Files” that the long-awaited second movie in the franchise will be much more like the nine-year original series’ best episodes than the first film that debuted nearly a decade ago.
- The Hong Kong produced film “In Love With the Dead” (“Chung oi”) will be released on Region 1 DVD later in March. It is a moody, but highly horrific film about death, terminal illness, ghosts and a love triangle that takes on the intensity of “Fatal Attraction.”
Slice of Trivia: Kurt in St. George has 3 clips from movie trailers in the 1970’s.
TV Talk:
- This week was make or break for the CBS series “Jericho.” Whether or not the Eye Network picks it up for a full 3rd season will depend on how well it did in the Nielsens for its 4th episode. In a recent interview with Carol Barbee, Jericho’s executive producer, she said that even if CBS decides to sideline the show, she will work hard to try and find a new network or new media home for the apocalyptic skein.
- Last year on the show we mentioned the possibility that NBC may want to do a weekly series based on the Defoe classic “Robinson Crusoe.” Now we can report that this has become a pet project of NBC president Ben Silverman and it has been given a greenlight and uncluttered street for full production… and our Mike is really po’d about it.
Interview: Glen Vaughn (“A Piece of Wood”) and Corey Landis (“That 70’s Show”) talk about their roles in the new Roger Lay, Jr. movie “Chrysalis,” based on the original 1946 short story from the legendary Ray Bradbury.
Special Segment: Greg continues his review series of the best SF storylines in vids. This week he takes on the relatively new video game “BioShock.”
Future Talk:
- Ellen Page and Cillian Murphy will star in an intense psychological thriller set in the small town of Peacock, Nebraska. It revolves around a man with a split personality.
- Coming in June 2009 is a new film based on the video game “Prince of Persia The Sands of Time.”
Listener comments: If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. Keep your comments brief, or funny, and maybe you’ll hear your message on the voicemail show!
Link: Chrysalis
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Link: Save The Dresden Files
Link: Save Blood Ties
Link: Save The 4400
Promo: The Obscure 80’s Podcast
Promo: Scott Sigler’s “Infected” in Hardback April 1
So, how many angry Asians emailed Mike this week about the “Moo goo gai pan” statement?
All but one 😉