The campaign which we and others have been waging to get “Blood Ties” back on U.S. television with all new episodes has been capturing some attention outside the normal online bloggers.
According to the latest article from E online’s Watch with Kristin segment, her talks with “Blood Ties” executive producer Randy Zalken might indicate that getting the show back into production and possibly seeing it return to the States is not totally out of the question.
“We’re hopeful,” says Zalken. “Why? Because of fans like you. We’re very happy with the support of the online fans.”
He told Kristin that he thinks the built-in audience is strong enough to attract new backers to the show.
“Some of the Canadian broadcasters have said, ‘Yeah, we’re interested in it; let us know what and when and how,’ commented Zalken. We’re also hopeful that a new home in the U.S. will present itself.”
This last statement looks like they may be searching for a channel other than Lifetime to give the show a bigger audience and wider distribution.
Kristin’s talk with Zalken revealed why a show like “Blood Ties” looks very promising to networks during this writer’s strike.
“I don’t think the strike is going to hurt us,” Zalken said. “[Why?] Because Canadian writers are not hindered by the U.S. Guild rules. So, we can be delivering new shows for the fall… I guess that’s more than a lot of producers are saying now. The sets are still available—they’ve not been destroyed—our talent is very eager to come back, and our show runner, Peter Mohan, is standing by.”
I hope this works out. I can’t recall ever being that hooked on a show. BT has a lot of potential and really deserves another season. It would be a crime to leave it like that.
Please give us a season 3 of Blood Ties. The fans have been working our fingers to the bone to try and save Blood Ties. This so is way too fantastic to not come back for another season.
I really hope they do figure out a way to have blood ties come back on the air. I love this show, its one of my favorites on tv.
I hope the right people are paying attention, Blood Ties is an excellent show that will only go on to get better and better if given the chance.
This is a wonderful show and with the right advertising it could be very popular, I do not understand a TV station like lifetime! It has a following and the fans want answers but nothing just like the last 2 episodes airing online only, lifetime had Tayna Huff send out a message! This TV show has some very unusually practices when dealing with people they want to watch there network!
I personally think that is very unprofessional, If this is the same practice they have had all along I personally do not no how they even got poplar as a TV station.
Thank you
Lifetime is making a huge mistake losing Blood Ties. Another network needs to snatch it, grab onto it’s fanbase and promote the heck out of it. I live in the U.S. and have friends in Canada, the U.K. and Australia. We all love it. It’s listed as one of Lifetime’s top shows but I guess, despite the fans, it doesn’t fit Lifetimes boohoo factor so it’s been cut. The show, it’s cast and it’s fans deserve better. Sci-Fi..? Want a new influx of viewers?
Hi I love Blood Ties, I love all the vampire shows, but BT has some specific sexual tension between Henry and Vicky. Kyle is adorable. Please we deserve for next season, because this left us without any particular ending. No matter where or which TV station , I will be so happy to see BT and Henry again. But for the future it will need some more marketing and adds, like Moonlight now, which I love as well, and you won’t be able to get away from us, Blood Ties fans. You wont regret picking up BT for another season. It’s worth. I assure.
Please please please
Don’t let this show pass without giving it another bite at it!
There is no way they can leave a show hanging the way it did. My goodness how crule can he producers be making us squirm like this?
For goodness sake – how many times, “It’s a great show” and “We love it bring it back” do we have to say this for them to hear us.
Oh and not to mention the what a great cast!
^o^ ^o^
About Blood Ties being compared to Moonlight.
They are apples and oranges. Both great shows that are well produced and extremely worthy of the fan base both these great shows command.
I discovered Blood Ties in the summer – and have not been able to get enough of it.
The chemistry between the 3 main characters is wonderful. Vicki is both strong and vulnerable. Both Henry and Mike are so sexy in their own ways. Kareen is delightful.
Absolutely, I support a third season!!
I just got done watching ALL 22 episodes of BloodTies via, I loved everyone of them. This was a very difficult thing for me to do to sit on an uncomfortable computer chair after a serious back surgery in Nov. of this year. SO that should let Lifetime know of the diehard commitment of BT fans. Please don’t cancel one of the most exciting shows that has been on Tv in years.
A work colleague introduced me to this series. I’m a big big fan of Supernatural, actually I’m a big fan of anything mysterious and supernatural and I thought..yeah I’m going to give this a try. She gave me the first couple of episodes and I watched with bated breath then woe betide anyone who got in my way when Blood ties was on. I couldn’t believe we were not going to see the last 2 episodes of the series … then I thought ‘got to have something to do with the writers strike’ so I resorted in downloading from i tunes. As soon as I was able to pull myself together (when the last episode finished) I went on line to look and see when series 3 would start …because come on, this was like reading a book and discovering the last chapter was missing!!!!
To discover the series had been axed was upsetting to say the least.
I’m 45, I am so tired of horrid news reports of what is going on in our world, I’m tired of nothing good ever happening. I’m tired of reality tv shows with pathetic has been actors being the only new thing to grace the tv screens.
Shows like Blood Ties are refreshing distractions…they allow your mind to relax and wander. Is it too much to ask to be allowed that pleasure?
I don’t suppose writing here does any good, I don’t suppose anyone who has anything to do with renewing the show for another year reads these comments yet I just felt the need to say that for some of us this is exactly the kind of entertainment we need to allow us to switch off from the real world for an hour.
Blood Ties was a thriller you could sink your teeth into. It had a heroine, a love triangle, the normality of an every day detective fighting crime and the mysticism of a 500 year old vampire who had survived and loved and new all about good and evil.
In short it was quite bluntly, brilliant!
I really hope Blood Ties return, I hope they work out something so all bloodties fans in America can see it. By the way, has anyone considered pitching blood ties to the CW11. Well at least that what it called in NY. A lot of people in the city watch that network it would be a good attempt.
hey every 1 watz goin on? i think kristie haz a gd point about puttin blood ties on cw11! i also think dat blood tioe should come on the scifi channel! i also think if not scifi blood ties should be put on 1 of the local channels,4 the thoze who dnt have cable,give them a taste of the best show eva blood ties!!!!!
It’s cruel to leave us high and dry. Get it back! NOW!
Fan response to saving Blood Ties has been fantastic. This is a show that should be renewed!
please bring blood ties back for another season, season 2 ended without a true cutt off to the story on which bloke vicky goes for. There is so much more that can be done i feel that blood ties hasnt even started to end, please another season is what is needed
Please bring the show back! Blood ties is awesome I dont know how people can not like it. Henry is the best vampire so far. He knocked out Angel on the top spot by light years!!!!!!
I love this show and i have been watching out for a new series, please put blood ties back on air 🙂
Is the most mesmerizing vamp on tv, i love the chemistry between him, vicki and mike.
This show has a lot more to give and i believe it was cut off just as it was juicing up.
please put it back and dont touch it again.
Thank you.
I’m late to this, I just found Blood Ties online a week ago. I’ve lost a lot of sleep staying up way too late watching all the episodes. Blood Ties deserves a third season. Please bring it back! A whole bunch of adults need the vacation from reality!
i love blood ties tooo please but it back on
I found this show online only a few weeks ago and have not been able to tear myself away until season 2’s climactic yet disappointingly abrupt end. I find myself desperately craving more. I have always had an interest in stories about vampires and the occult and this show is one of the best on the subject I have seen in a very long time. Henry is awesome and Vicki is just the sort of strong but vulnerable woman I adore. The end of the 2nd season left me on a cliffhanger please don’t let myself or the rest of this shows fans down by never continuing this mesmerizing story!
Anyone wanting to support Blood Ties and put their voice to use to let the Networks know that folks want more of the show…can go to: and let their interest be heard…
You HAVE to bring Blood Ties back, i would DIE if it goes off the air. I cant get enough of Henry .. hes the hottest vampire i have ever seen .. if you cancle Blood Ties you are goin to make everyone, all the fan very angrey and you WILL here from us .. we arnt goin to let Blood Ties go that easily .. we WILL FIGHT to keep the show on the air. No matter what chanel its on we would really love for you to bring it back … you would be making the BIGGEST MISTAKE of your LIFES for taking it off the air …..
Blood Ties Fans:
guys we need to Fight to keep this show so write everyone that you can and call people and tell them to protest… we NEED this show .. and i kno alot of people agree with me, do WHATEVER you can to help keep the show on air!! THANKS GUYS …
please put it on scifi if it returns
You have to put Blood Ties back on the air and you have to produce a season 3. I absolutely love this show and will be heartbroken if it gets cancelled. PLEASE i need more. i have to see what vicky is going to do, she cant lose Henry she just CANT
I NEED to see what happens with Vicky and Henry, I just watch season 2 all the way through and I’m DYING to see what will happen. It seems like a lot of people like the show so it would be dumb to cancel it.
Awesome TV series! Please bring it back. Don’t leave us fans hanging!
I really do hope that it does work out… I was addicted to it when it was on Lifetime…. and then all of a sudden …. it was gone ….. grrrr lol…. <3 for Blood Ties
Please bring back Blood Ties!!!
i stuck with blood ties from the very first moment. i watched the 22 episodes in 3 days. it is really magnificent. PLEASE BRING IT BACK THERE ARE MANY QUESTIONS UNANSWERED…
I would love Blood ties to be back, but the end seemed kinda right. Well, they could have done it later, I mean this to be the end of season 3. It would seem unrealistic to pick up where they left off, cuz both Henry and Mike left her.
It was totally the decision Vicki would make. The idiotic and self-sacrificing decision. I was very upset when she said no to Henry. She practically threw happiness away.
Like I said , it would be pretty hard to pick it back up. I doubt both would forgive her. Maybe Henry would. I dunno.
I’m very pissed that this great show had such a short life. I loved it.
Well as the Webmistress at reminds us I guess we should be glad that we got 22 episodes. It was a show that was taken off way too soon, it had so many more stories to tell and was better than anything else on TV. It was the forerunner of the vampire resurgence as it hit the scene before any of the others on TV or movies.
That being said, props to Christina Cox, Dylan Neal and Kyle Schmid for giving us such a great show. Compliments should also be given to Peter Mohan and the writers who took Tanya Huff’s books and turned them into a show that we all got addicted to.
And last but NOT LEAST, A BIG THUMBS DOWN TO LIFETIME WHO HAVE NO IDEA WHAT REAL WOMEN WANT!!!! I and my friends DO NOT want reality shows ad nauseam, we want a dark, sexy, romantic vampire. Hopefully they’re kicking their own butts with the vampire resurgence as they were ahead of the curve and threw it away. IDOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I bought the box-set (which says complete season 1, yet is 22 episodes long) a little while ago and just got around to watching them all in less than 2 days! Is there any chance they will still bring it back for another series? I just bought the books so I can at least know how it all ends.
I do completely agree, the don’t know what people want anymore, they keep shows with no story line or entertainment, yet cancel this… Kyle Schmid I thought was amazing; and Christna Cox and Dylan did great. People want to see the possibility of a Vampire falling in love with a human.. and being torn between the real world and what most would only fantasise about.
I don’t think there was a show I have so quickly completely become obsessed to just know what happens next. Thank you Tanya Huff 🙂
Need BLOOD TIES Season 3, come on dont let the FANS Hanging! Eventhough I’m not living in the US. But I am very addicted to the series. Due to a good stories and a reaction of the 2 Characters (Kyle and Christina)
Come on! Bring BLOOD TIES Back!!!!!
Oh my god i am hooked on this programme ! I love it great story lines and great chemistry between the actors. Please let there be another season of Blood Ties its great and the best thing ive seen in ages.
i really want to see some more of bt you left it off where Henry was leaving to another place because Vicky is not committed to him and he is in love with her and so is Mike was leaving her too, please dont leave us hanging you left us with nothing and which way she would go, i prefer you let her go with Henry and give him a chance and for Mike to move on but still be friends with her but i really think Vicky and Henry need a chance to bring their friendship a little further, Mike already had her so let Henry have his chance and see where that can bring the show with the 2 of them it ought to be interesting because they both know there is more out there then what people believe in and i think Henry deserves the chance at being in love and happy and doing what he loves doing with Vicky who also loves what she does for a living they make a perfect couple but you do have to put some diffuculties in their relationship too you have to make it interesting to keep us watching do leave off where you left it, that would not be fair to start and show and not finish what you started. i seen a lot of shows that just left like that and that really blows. cause you us hooked and leave us nothing. i want more so finish what you started, thats only fair to us we want to see it to the end and it has to be a happy ending. it was like this one show i use to watch, la femme nakita and i think that was on usa and they left us hanging and the ending sucked but they made a few more shows cause people complained and it still ended badly it should of been them moving on together and not different ways so that was a really bad bummer i wish they would do a few more shows with them going off together cause that was a big waste of time to watch cause they did not give viewers what they wanted so dont mess up like they did with that show please
I’d like the show to return if only the original cast is there or I will not be watching it.
I love BT. Ever since i was little ive been into Vampires , Love, Action. And BT has it all i love it! watching it all hours of the night. i was sad to hear that there wasnt another season. and to end it like episode 10 season 2. very very sad. this is a show that alot of my friends and i were into and i just hope they bring it back soon . let me know when pleasse!
The loss of Blood Ties was absolutely tragic! It is a sad day when the networks refuse to recognize that the viewing public, here in the US or otherwise, want something more than the mere insanity offered in reality shows. Blood Ties was a show that grabbed your attention from the very beginning and refused to let you go until the very end. I too was like another of your viewers. I didn’t initially know about the show becuase I seldom watched Lifetime. When I ran acrossed it one night, I was blown away. I couldn’t resist the urge to tune in. This is what we want. We are tired of the crude, non-sense you continue to push out to us and want to view something with some substance. Something that makes us feel…feel more than just the impulse to vomit from the shows you currently support. Do the right thing by your wallet and your viewers…bring this back!
I know it’s a little late now but bloodties has to come back!!! the box set can hardly be kept on the shelves in wal mart!!!! it’s becoming very popular here where I live and it has to come back!!!! It ended to abrubtedly so pleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bring it back to the air
Please either come back and do season 3 or do a movie I I absolutely loved the show it was one of the best tv shows I have been able to find so please it has been long enough everyone is ready for the come back even my 15 yr old daughter loved it to ??