The lovely Jaimie Alexander will be our guest on the next Slice of SciFi Show #113 on Wednesday, June 13, 2007. She is starring with Matt Dallas in the new second season of “Kyle XY” on the ABC Family Network as Kyle’s dark nemesis Jessi XX, another mysterious teen with no past, no memories and no belly button. “Kyle XY” premieres this Monday, June 11.
Jaime Alexander has worked on various movies and television shows playing such roles as Caitlin Porter on “Watch Over Me,” and a marvelous guest performance in Danny DeVito’s new hit “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.” She was riveting in the gripping Australian horror/drama “Rest Stop.” Besides “Kyle XY,” Jaimie has just finished shooting the horror/thriller feature film titled “Hallowed Ground”, co-starring the “O.C”‘s Brian McNamara, and from “Star Trek: Voyager” – Ethan Phillips.
Speaking of “Kyle XY,” we want to remind everyone about “The Return of Kyle XY” giveaway contest we are currently running. Time is running out. Our winners will be announced on the June 20th Slice of SciFi Show.
In the News::
Author Terry Brooks is now ready to share his work with Hollywood and his 14 book series “The Shannara” will be made into a franchise of major films. John Hurt (Professor Bruttenholm) will make a cameo appearance in “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.” The FCC took a major slap in the face from the courts when a 2-1 decision rejected their indecency lawsuit against Fox.
Movie Talk::
Stan Lee, at age 75 has signed a multi-year, first look deal with Walt Disney Pictures, giving him creative control over programming for various forms of entertainment coming from Mickey’s Studio. We take a look at the New Zealand film “Black Sheep.” You gotta hear about this one.
In our Special Segment Doug is back with three new movie Slice of Trivia clips and they will stump you.
TV Talk:
This whole segment is spent talking about how fans and a creative entrepreneur were able to bring a giant like Viacom/CBS to their knees and convinced them of the wisdom of bringing back fan favorite show “Jericho” for an abbreviated second season that will allow proper closure to the much loved speculative fiction series.
Future Talk:
Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, ho! That’s right! Warner Bros. is bringing the Thundercats franchise to the big screen and it will be a live-action adaptation of the popular 1980’s toy and cartoon series. Mark Ruffalo, just off his hit film “Zodiac” will now be featured along with Academy Award nominee Julianne Moore in the mysterious thriller “Blindness.”
We talk to the young and beautiful Jaimie Alexander, we have loads of news about all your favorite movies and TV shows, plus a look into the distant future for what lies ahead on your SF entertainment horizon. Slice of SciFi Show #113 will be ready for download from the internet on Wednesday, June 13, 2007, also on XM-Satellite Radio and our good friends on the West Coast in Napa Valley on KVON-FM. We want you to be here for some of the best scifi news and entertainment available…. that’s Slice of SciFi.
isnt that Liv Tyler?
nevermind I had seen that picture on a picture Gallery for liv Tyler and now I found it in a Jaimie Alexander one as well.
Silly me.
Yep that original pic I had up there was Jaimie. She was pretty young in it (she’s only in her early 20’s now) and her resemblance to Liv was uncanny in that photo. I went ahead and changed it to the current photo however, from Jaimie’s Myspace website because it shows her with Matt Dallas in the Kyle XY promo pic.
I can’t wait for tonight’s premiere. I just found this series on Netflix a few weeks ago and now I’m hooked. Kudos to ABC Family!
I am so excited about seeing more of Ms. Alexander. After watching the season premiere of Kyle XY (which was great)last night I am really interested in her new character.