Interviewer: Shmuel Reuven for
Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) has confirmed that next season will his last, and most likely the show’s last season as well. Here’s what else he had to say:
Shmuel Reuven (SR): So how’s the shooting going on Smallville?
Michael Rosenbaum (MR): We’re finishing up; Monday’s my last day, and then I’m going to Paris for a while, but it’s really great, I have to say. It’s a great year, the ratings are consistently high. It’s great when you’re on a show that has that longevity, but it’s even better when a show’s ratings are so high; our show’s ratings are just as high as the first couple seasons. We’re creating more and more fans, and I know we’re going next year. That will be my final year, and then I can hopefully delve into more comedies. For me, it’s great work and I think the show is getting intense as we go; Lex is inevitably getting darker, and next year is when he lets all his colors show.
SR: You’re finishing up the season finale on Monday?
MR: Yeah, it’s my last day on the finale; we’re finishing it.
SR: Is anything going to happen with Lex on in the upcoming remaining episodes of this season?
MR: Lex Luther and Lana Lang just got married; Lana was pretty much forced into getting married to Lex. Lionel Luther pretty much forced her into doing so. Lex really thinks he established true love; he doesn’t always do the right thing, but I think he really loved Lana. And Clark’s torn because he really thought Lana was going to marry him and not Lex; something happened in the last episode, Promise, that now their marriage is on thin ice, it’s not going as planned. Lana’s finding things out about Lex and things about her pregnancy. It’s getting a lot darker than it has in years. Lex has a project he’s been working on, and he definitely has ulterior motives and he is ambitious, but I think that ambition gets the best of him. He’s still trying to hold on; he’s trying not to go to the dark side, but it’s pretty inevitable.
SR: You’re in the sixth year now …
MR: Yeah, we’re finishing up our sixth year and next year is the last year.
SR: Have you become Lex in your off-Smallville time? Have you grown into the character?
MR: Yeah, I found it in the first couple years, I was a little nervous; in the first year, I was trying to find the character. You want to please the audience, but you want to bring some humility to the character; I don’t want him to be a cartoon. I try to make every character I do, and that’s who he is — as long as you stay in that box. And I’ve been pretty lucky, but I guess, over the years it’s become easier and easier.
SR: What’s it like to have a director like Rick Rosenthal come back to direct certain episodes?
MR: Yeah, Rick directed some of my favorite movies; he directed Bad Boys with Sean Penn. He’s a joy to work with; he directed the big marriage episode. He’s one of those guys who’s really easy going, he’ll let you do your own thing; but he definitely knows a lot, and he likes to let you know — (in his best Rick voice) “Well, let me tell you, Michael, if you’re going to do that, I know this from experience…” He’s just a great guy and he has a great vision; it’s great working with him always.
SR: If there’s one thing to intrigue the fans a little for the next few episodes, what would it be?
MR: This year is a big year, but next year is going to be the biggest year of all; it’s the final year and everyone’s going to see what Lex Luther is really capable of. All hell’s going to break loose!
Catch the final episodes of “Smallville” Thursday’s at 8PM on The CW.
Also, don’t forget to see Michael’s dance skills in “Kickin’ It Old School”; in theaters April 27th. It stars Jamie Kennedy and Maria Menounos, among some of your favorite 80’s TV characters including Knight Rider himself, David Hasselhoff and Webster’s Emmanuel Lewis! have the full interview with Michael in the next couple weeks. Be sure to visit their Website for the followup.
We wait for Michael Rosenbaum to Paris for the Jules Verne Festival. BISOUS
i love smallville and i want to meet the characters and give them a Great JOB hug. Iwant the show to go on and on I am the biggest fan. I am 51 Years old and it brings the girl out of me .The young girl.
I stopped watching somewhere around the second or third season. I guessit just didn’t click for me or it may have been that I just moved one too many times. I almost wish I could get caught up.
Lex Luth*O*r.
Michael is the reason I still watch the show and I can’t wait to see his new movie, “Kickin It Old Skool”!
well micheal has been thrown around alot through the whole thing, e.g through tables and off walls etc lol
i like season 6 but i think that there sould be 10 seasons
smallville really going to suck if the not a season 8
If there’s only one more season left it’s more important than ever to bring to fruition two items or the last 6 years will have been a complete waste of time (IMO):
1) Superman gets the cape
2) Superman gets Lois
3) Lana stays dead
Okay, three things.
this season of smallville was the best of them all can’t wait till season 7
The first three seasons were more filler episodes than real plot, but as I kept watching into the fourth season a story developed and into season six I just couldn’t wait for the next episode it was so good. I encourage everyone to watch season four before making a decision to sotp watching ;).
okay carl i see you are not up with the complete history of superman so… lana cannot be dead as she is a television reporter in metropolis later on. and as for the dark clark, that is an extreme deviation for the original storyline as bizarro was a failed clone lex attempted not a phantom, but that deviation is acceptable as the way the smallville storyline goes (i especially loved the transformation of his face in the closing scene)i wonder if they will make him speak backwards in the next season or if they will leave him the way he is so everyone can understand what he says. as for lois and clark acctually hooking up that would be in around season 21 as it is that far into the future when they get to that point. (watch the old movies to understand, and even then it doesnt work out right for him) jonathan needs to come back in the next season, as he is still alive when superman faces doomsday and dies. (not the first time superman died either.) i do hope that they find another good actor to play lex so they can continue the series. the legion of doom should be born in season 7 as they have the 2 top members in existance now, and they should introduce the other members as well. so they can open a few doors for some spinoffs.
I think Michael Rosenbaum is the best actor in Smallville. He really fits into the role of Lex Luthor and outshine everyone including Clark Kent played by Tom Welling. Anybody else agree with me? So far I have only watched up to Season 5 which end with a cliffhanger and Lex has turned into the dark side. Season 5 so far to be is the best of all. I am looking forward for more great seasons to come. Smallville Rocks.
I got a little sick to my stomach when I read that season 7 is going to be there last season. I get that it has to come to an end sometime, but this show is one of the best shows on TV (MY OPINION of course)
I thought smallville was gonna carry on till season 8, sed that on hope batman might be in it. At least Pete Ross is back. That Bizarro finale was great. I also heard clark talks to jor-el about using his powers in public without anyone knowin its him DC FOREVER
So this is for Dave… the last thing you submitted was how can i put this…crap. Very specific events have been completely unlike the superman mythology. So yea. If you’ve been watching you would know that. Lois wasn’t even suposed to be in the teenage part of Clark’s life. But she is. So why can’t that carl guy want Lois and Clark to get together soon. Oh and about Lana staying dead…we can dream right?
oh yea and Dave…get a life.
OK Kids — play nice now 😉
When is season 7 comming then?
Hi! I’m writting from Spain, so I’m sorry about the mistakes I’ll may do.
When season 6 started I though it was going to be the end of Smallville, but fortunatly it wasn’t.
I need know when will season 7 start, and what will happen with Martha and Lionel relationship. I want them to be toghether and get married… what do you think?
I am looking forward to season 7. smallville seems to be getting better every year. i read somewhere that martha kent wont be in season 7. still carnt beleive chloe has died. she was one of my favourite people on the show.
shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.smallville is the best trully the best season ive watched in my entire life.wen it finishes(season 7)god gonna destroy the creators for doing dat. lol
i am looking forward for season 7 cant wait.i encouraged my friends musti and hassan nehme to watch smallville .they loved it so much. mymom and dad gina and naji also like it .its truely one of the best series in the world and it will be very bad to end it in season 7.anyone agrees wid me????????????????????????? if it ends god forbid ill destory my life.
oh yeah and heather u suck. dave really u ned a life
I love this show, and when it is over my life will seem empty.jks. But seriously i really want more seasons. 7 is not enough (new slogan?-lol). When is season 7 coming exactly?
I’m glad there’s going to be a 7th season, but I was hoping for it to continue in season 10 or something. I’ve enjoyed watching Smallville for 6 years… and hoping for another 4!
Smallvile rocks they shouldn’t stop forever
smallville is the bomb the characters are all perfect and the superman guy is really superlike……i thought the snallville was going to continue to season 10 or more
clark becomes superman falls in love with lois….if it ends in six then its a real breakdown in the world of superman fans..thats bullshit they started it they should finish….
I love watching smallville. It would be ashame to see it end…..i looked forward every thrusday to see the show…I love all the Lana and Clake scenes…Kloe kept the show exciting with her sluthing ways…I love the idea of Oliver and Lois…please don’t let Kloe die…Jimmy needs his girl… please let the fans know when season 7 is going to start. Well as the saying goes all good things must come to an end…..But i don’t think that one applies to smallville….we fans want more than 7 seasons.
I m writeing from pakistan and i love to watch smallville. smallville one of the best show and plz plz plz smallville continue to season 10 or more.i love chloe and clark.i m big fan of superman please tell us When season 7 coming exactly i m waiting.
the smallville is off the hook!! im frm indonesia, and ive watched each and every episodes of smallville, the last season were full of episodes to kill. im just hoping that it will last longer than 7 seasons. and i have to admit that michael rosenbaum rocks! his acting is very natural, hvn’t seen many actors like him.
Smallville rocks!! Please don’t end it on season 7. I refuse to believe that Chloie is dead, I really loved that character. Please smallville dont go away.
Ok you guys are all losers and need to get a life! Lana is going to come back to life and so is Chloe! Lana and Clark belong together and they will be together in the end. Lex is gonna die in the next Season by Clark and thats that! You guys are all dorks! Just let the season end the way it ends!
Lana Lover — play nice. Your point can be made without calling people losers and dorks.
Sam —
SoSF Site Administrator
What most people haven’t considered is the music of smallville. It fits in very well with the storylines. Every good show needs a good sound track to draw in the viewers and so far the smallville music has done just that. My personal fav is not the intro music but the song kryptonite by 3 doors down. Type in “smallville powers” on and click on the first video. its great!!! (the music i mean)
Lana faked her own death to get away from Lex and frame him….
This is for Dave and Heather… Dave you made an excellent summary of things. Heather you should watch the old movies. Lois features in the first one when Clark is running next to a train and she tells her mother about and is then told that she can really make up a story.
If I was Clark, I’d be with Chloe instead of Lana. She way way sexier. Plus its his way into the Daily Planet. Jimmy can find another bimbo to call ‘his girl’. (or boy). by the way i think superwomen gonna die somehow…. she does in the comics
When smallville 1st hit the screen s in the U.K i didnt bother to watch it as i hate spin offs (New Adventure of Superman) but i borrowed my friends hard drive one day and it had every episode of smallville up to season 6, i started watching and i have to say that i am a BIG BIG BIG fan, and like every1 i cant wait till s7, some people have been watchin SMV for a long time i just started in May, and cant believe what i have been missing. I love it.
is it true that the last episode of season 7 is called ‘Superman’ as its the last one eva when he finally becomes the hero?
Does anyone know when they are airing the first episode of s7?
Louise is the sexiest of them all. Does anyone know when the new episodes starts.
Just remember, when Smallville is over The Star Wars TV show begins!!!
Star Wars will be like Star Trek. Nothing can beat Smallville. The fact that series 7 is the last is very sad.
there must be spin offs of smallville after its over cuz it rocks!!!!!!
well,i was a big fan of SMV since i saw it on tv,but when i got my hands on all seasons,`till season 6,i just couldn`t stop watching it!it`s so cool!too bad it`s gonna end in season 7.the thing i didn`t like is the stall that Clark took about telling his secret,and every episode was either made about other “crap”,either something else,not that it wouldn`t be cool anyways,when they could`of made some of `em really cool….too sad that now,when it got a lil` more interesting,they`re gonna end it!i can`t stand the Lana character since season 3 or so,Lois was more interesting!
For Eddy21. I’m glad to see that there is more people that like Lois. I agree with you on your statement of the Lana character. In season 7 Lana is suppose to forget about Clark’s secret because in the Superman movie she does not know of his secret. Wonder how they will do it.
does smallville really have to be consistant with the events of the superman movies? can’t it have a different conclusion?
season 7 airs on september 27th, i hope chloe doesn’t stay dead, and that lois and clark get together, but as it is the last season there will probably be lots of things left unsaid. i hope there will be more series because this is one of my best shows ever, i can’t wait to see the new series
you have put clark & lana through some up & down love
situations ; its about time they got married and have
some real babies. they have been in love since day one.
this is smallville; not superman. shift the scene from
smallville to metropolis for future adveentures.
jo, you just cant mess with continuity like that.
lana’s gotta stay dead, they gotta do 1 more season (7) and then they have to start a new superman series, Staring tom welling.
Listen all you Lana-haters, you’re all losers! If Lana dies, there wil be no reason to watch Smallville. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the show kinda revolves around Clark and Lana’s relationship.
Check out my theory about Lana at Here’s the link = POSSIBLE SPOILER!
There hasn’t been any official word on wether Lana will be returning or not, besides her name being on the cast list for next season. Does anybody know wether Kristin Kreuk will be reprising her role as Lana in next season or not?
The show while not exactly following the comics, does in fact pay homage to the movies, and there is a few things that MUST happen. Lois and Clark must get together in the end. Lana needs to stay dead I hated her for many seasons now, she’s a pure spoiled ***** that’s had everyone waiting on her hand and foot her whole life and she expects everything her way…
I’m sad the series is ending I was hoping they’d take it further. Though Lex doesn’t need to always be there. Superman had other villians besides Lex. Something can happen to him in Season 7 if he really wants to leave the show and someone else be introduced as a new villianous power..his true colors show perhaps and it becomes Lex’s temporary downfall…perhaps he “dies” but not really you know? If they are correct about the fanbase being just as strong if not stronger, there is no reason to end the series.
It’s not possible for Lana to stay dead. In the Superman movies she plays a short role as Clark’s lost love in Superman 3. Her role is played by Annette O’Toole that plays the role of Martha Kent in the Smallville series. Seeing that she features in the Superman movie, how is it possible for her to be dead in Smallville. Funny things do happen in Smallville, but her death is defintely a way to escape from Lex.
iam in love with smallville but why the delay in season 7.kenyan.
so is kara evil? if so whats she going to do on earth?
I,m writing from Albania.I love smallville and the reason I love it so much is Michael
In love with smallville because of tom welling and kristin kreuk! Love the Clark Kent and Lana Lang’s love story! love michael rosenbaum also. The show is brilliant but stopped watching it from season four since found out clark kent and lana lang won’t ended up together!! I was so sad and heartbroken about this and thought it’s nonesense if clark ends up with lois lane as i really don’t understand why he could be with anyone else if he can’t be with lana for the ‘protecting her’ reason, so with others there’s no such problem/issue??! I wish and hope for a happy ending for clark and lana in smallville final! I’m actually just waiting for the definite final season to see if i could carry on/enjoy watching it again as if there’s no happy ending for the couple, i’d be so disappointed with the show. Smallville is a great show and i wish it would go on for many more seasons but really for me, the centre of attraction was clark kent and lana lang – tom welling and kristin kreuk!!
Any news on season 7. Who lives and who dies. I don’t think Kara will be evil. According to the Supergirl movie she is Clark’s cousins from Crypton. In season 6 Chloe found out she has powers to, she wont be dead in season 7.
im a big fan of smallville but why is it kristin kreuk a.k.a as lana lang in SMV not included in the cast of 8th season? the story should end with lana and clark kent! haven’t u know that huge fans of smallville are expecting to be that way?they prefer lana and clark not lois-clark team up,unless if it is for superman…right guys?
Just wanted to respond to Dave as I haven’t been following the thread. I had mentioned 3 things that need to happen by the series end: 1) The cape (that would be tie in with the last episode being ‘Superman’- if true) 2) Superman gets Lois and 3) Lana dies. I might be wrong about Lana, but I thought she did die in the original comics, if not she at least needs to get out of the way so S.Man has the opportunity see “what’s been under his nose all along.”
Since the series doesn’t have 8, much less 21 seasons to go, they should compress, as well as take textual liberties with the story in order to wind everything up.
For those lamenting the end of Smallville, 1st of all it was the first 3 or 4 seasons that were the best and it really did start to get shallow in the last 2, not to mention that episodes don’t really hang together. The characters seem to entirely forget events of past episodes. Although there’s more blood (change in producers) there is also less special effects (did they lose their blast/fire coordinator??). The best shows seemed to always involve Clare’s Mom, Dad, Lionel and Lex. Now you only have Lionel and Lex is more 2-dimensional now. Maybe it’s time to end if these guys can’t get some depth to their writing. 2nd- I’ve heard Heroes is good. If you want some pretty good acting follow Lana’s original boyfriend to Supernatural. They did a great Groundhog Day takeoff the other night. Funny too.
You make some great points, the show cant last forever its smallville not superman. The show has been getting a little low on depth lately, but… on the other hand watching lex turn dark has been great. Not to mention Lana really doesnt have to die, just become a person clark can’t love. I see that happening more and more, I am glad they finally got rid of that “oh I cant love clark because hes always hiding stuff from me” junk. The show really does have to come to an end, and hopefully makeway for superman.
I dont have a clue who’s version of superman they re following with smallville, but for the most part they remain consistant. Except with senator kent… that part was really way off. Clark needs to get off the farm and have his mom hire people to work the farm, so that he has a place to go and retire when he’s tired of being the well beloved hero we all want him to be.
Also, another post mentioned Clark and Lana need to go have babies? WHAT? that is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of. That would ruin the show, I mean look at the mariage of lois and clark (dean cain version) that ruined the show. People think they know what they want but when they get it, there is nothing for our hero to strugle for. the plot soon gets lost in pregnancy tests and mundane child rearing uggg!
wow i just realised upon reading everyones comments that it was exactly 1 year ago that i posted my last comment!
p.s. season 8 will be very different to the past smallville seasons in my opinion as there will be different writers and main cast members. but i hope they all come up with good storylines.
well not exactly