This is a recap of Sunday night’s (Mar. 4) episode of “Battlestar Galactica” called ‘Maelstrom.’
This article contains spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the episode yet, you have been forewarned.
The show opens and we find Kara talking with Helo telling him how much she has been disturbed of late since he reminded her about the mandala she drew as a child that matched the ancient symbol found in the 4000 year old temple built by the 13th colony. She relates the nightmares she has been having about her so-called destiny and it has put her nerves on the ragged edge leading her to great psychological distress.
At Helo’s suggestion, Kara goes to see the fleet’s famous Oracle Yolanda Brenn, who tells her that a Cylon from her past and her mother, now long dead, are still trying to reveal to her a destiny she is afraid to face.
Galactica and the fleet are in great need of refueling now that the energy ship from last week’s episode is up and producing fuel again. The fleet has taken cover around a planet that emits a sufficient amount of radiation to hide them from Cylon sensors. The only problem is Galactica’s sensors are also affected by the radiation and have limited capability. The fleet must risk their best Viper pilots to do fly-by security while the refueling takes place.
Despite the fact that Lee “Apollo” Adama knows his best pilot, Kara “Starbuck” Thrace is both mentally and emotionally burnt-out, he nevertheless sends her out in her Viper to patrol for any Cylon raiders that may be lurking about. On two separate occasions Kara spots a raider that no one else can detect or visually see.
All of this space action is interspersed with flashback scenes about her past growing up with a hardened mother, a fleet Marine, and the time she spent on New Caprica with the Cylon Leoben Conoy. Each of these past episodes, while heart-wrenching for Kara, are preparing her for that dreaded destiny that awaits her.
On her second attempt to shoot down the Cylon ship, she speeds far too close to the planet’s atmospheric basement, ignites the surrounding atmosphere with her after-burners as Lee, in hot pursuit to save her, watches in sheer disbelief and helplessness as Kara and her Viper are incinerated.
The one thing you can say about Ron Moore and David Eick is, like Joss Whedon, they are not afraid to put their main characters, those that help drive the production to the success it has, in severe situations that will totally eliminate them… or, is she really gone for good?
The great question on whether or not Kara Thrace is a Cylon and possibly one of the Final Five may finally get answered… Stay tuned!
She has to be a Cylon, because it’s going to be hard for her to fullfil her destiny if she’s dead!
I hope this isn’t a move to make room for Dirk Benedict in the cast 😉
Maybe it was her destiny to become star dust. 😉
I think it’s certain she’s one of the Final 5 Cylons.
She has a destiny that’s of great interest to the Cylons; she blows up and doesn’t eject, yet there’s a Cylon Raider nearby as confirmed by Adama finally seeing it, which means it probably “caught” her Cylon essence to transfer it to a Resurrection ship…or it had a portable goo-bath on it; she may have been crazy (doubt it) but her “memories” and the ability to go back and do things she didn’t do before (dying mom) implies implanted memories being manipulated by Cylon guy,,,,
She’s a Cylon fer shure.
Unrelated, because I’m not sure of this, but, did her helmet change between when she was knocked unconscious and when she came to?! I didn’t notice it until after she woke up, and saw it looked a bit more, dark and didn’t resemble Adama’s helmet.
I didn’t record it, so I guess I’ll have to wait until…it magically appears on my computer later today, to check it out.
Okay, I’m going to say it….
Not since Buffy or Zoe, has there been a true strong female character like Starbuck on TV. She fights like a man, flys a viper, etc. But of course, they kill her off.
Okay, I know what you are going to say. What about Sharon, D’anna, and Six?
Yes, they are great strong characters, but they are Cylons. Now, Starbuck may be a Cylon…why does the strong female characters have to be ROBOTS?
I have vented. Thank you.
Oh I don’t know about all that…the Prez is a tough ole’ broad. 🙂
okay now this is a leap -I seem to remember that when the show first came on the air Ron Moore was asked if some of the special shows from the original series would be redone (ie. Pegasus), maybe Starbuck will reappear on the ship of light (you know where they had the white uniforms). Starbuck did have a very bright light shining on her before we saw her viper catch fire and explode.
or maybe she is one of the final five.
Oh, my God! They ‘killed’ Kenny! (erm, I mean Starbuck!)
OR did they?
Dunn Da Daaaaaaaaaaa!
They did! I just listened to RDM podcast. He’s a bastard! Him and the writers don’t even know where they are going with the story arch.
Here are some of the reasons…. They “fell in love with the audacity of it?” Killed her for the “shock value” “Kara embraces death”
So, I guess it’s okay to give up and commit suicide because it’s her destiny? And finding the path to earth wouldn’t slap you in the face? Whatever.
I am now done with the show.
Vanessa — Don’t listen to what RDM says…wait and see what he does. He is notorious for saying one thing and then doing another when it comes to scripts…anything to keep cast, crew and viewers guessing and on their toes. So, don’t give up yet. They have the rest of this season and 13 episodes in season 4 to bring things around.
yeah, I loved the episode but I don’t buy that we won’t see her again. It’s so unlikely they would kill off such an important character. If they actually did – wow, good on them. If they didn’t, which is what I strongely believe – then I’m looking forward to the story playing out.
Either way – great stuff.
May I remind people of the “dodgey” Starbuck and Apollo going into the afterlife in the original BSG. Whos to say thats not what they are doing. Moreover, one should never be afraid to kill off central characters, it strips the audience of the normal viewing conventions of a show and allows anything to happen. For example, Hitchcock killed off the star of the film in the first ten minutes of “Psycho”. At any rate, it certainly got my attention. And while I would agree with Vanessa’s comments that in general, there is a tendancy to have strong female characters somehow either end up as a sacrafice or a robot (Thelma and Louise and Terminator 2), I don’t think thats the case here.
“Unrelated, because I’m not sure of this, but, did her helmet change between when she was knocked unconscious and when she came to?! I didn’t notice it until after she woke up, and saw it looked a bit more, dark and didn’t resemble Adama’s helmet.”
I noticed that too! And I think it might be significant that she was in an old-school viper, like from the orginal series.
Also, Chris from the Sandhills, I forgot about the City of Light, you’re right that would be a way to keep her on the show without making her a toaster.
Well, I do respect of killing off a main character for the sake of moving the story forward or giving more depth to a story. As we all know, Joss Wheldon is notorious for it (when Tara died, Willow’s character truly became a more of a central role than a sidekick.) However, Kara’s death seemed no reason for it.
Granted the episode was very good though. And yes, I will probably continue to tune in…
Maybe Kara accended and will show up as an Ancient in the last episodes of Stargate 🙂
When The Old Man teared up, so did I.
I don’t know whether to think Ron Moore has something up his sleeve, or to be sad at the death of one of the most compelling female characters to appear on the tube in a long while.
Hmmm…I guess I’ll just say: Daaaaaaaamn!
Well I was shocked they killed starbuck. She is my favorite character.I don’t think she is gone for good. I saw a cylon ship at the last second before her viper exploded. So I say she’ll return at some point.
and if this is how they decide to kill her off for good. Bad move on the writers part, shes too cool. There is being gutsy and unpredictable with the episodes. Then there is stupid arrogance to think you can do whatever whim pleases you at the moment, and fans will swallow.
I think she has to return in full force. Cause if they leave her dead like that its a bad sign for things to come. I don’t want BSG, to become enterpise.
After listening to the podcast, I think they’re serious about Starbuck being dead. I’ll be surprised if she’s not.
However, consider that “destiny” doesn’t have to be something that Kara herself does. Her death affects everyone. As one of my friends suggested, perhaps her loss changes Adama and his growing religious faith. Maybe it changes Lee in a way that alters the course of humanity. Think… It’s A Wonderful Life. Someone missing or never having lived changes the lives of others. Her destiny could be like removing a keystone from an arch.
I hope they don’t turn it into a qusireligious show. That would kill it for me. Sure have some element of the spiritual about it, but in needs to be more than that. Besides, its boring without the death and destruction of space battles.
So season three finally gets some legs. I’d pretty much given up on the show, this season had gotten so boring and pretentious.
Glad to see them throw us a curve. Just hope Adama doesn’t find Kara in the shower one morning.
Estoy seguro de que algo pasa al final. No creo que se desagan tan rápidamente del personaje…. ¿O es que se va a hacer otra serie/pelÃÂÂcula/obra de teatro y por eso la han eliminado?
No creo, comparto la opinión de que sea un cilón.
Saludos a todos
Rough translation of above comment:
“I am sure in the end something happens. I don’t believe they would remove her so quickly….or could it be the particular actress is going away to do another show or a movie and that is why they eliminated her character?
(? line)
Greetings to all
I think that other line roughly translates to “I don’t believe the opinion that she’s a Cylon”.
Thanks Sam to translate my comment. I believe that starbuck is a cylon.
Saludos cordiales
With my best regards
One of my opinions of Starbuck is that she really is dead.
Think about it- either people who don’t think she has a chance of returning dump the whole show- or all the others stand around waiting for to come back as a Cylon.
It makes sense- if we actually are that deperate for Kara to come back- then we’re all going to hope she didn’t die- or is a Cylon.
They writers know we won’t stop watching now.
What about….. the cylons have worked out how to download a human into a cylon body?