TSW (The SciFi World) has a great interview on their website with actress Morena Baccarin. She was one of the stars of Firefly and the movie Serenity and will be guest appearing in several upcoming episodes of Stargate SG-1. Be forewarned there may be some SG-1 spoilers in the interview, but it is well worth a read through. Here is just a sampling of her responses:
TSW: How aware were you of Stargate before the audition for the role of Adria?
Morena Baccarin: I had heard of Stargate the movie, and heard of both stargate series. But never had watched them so when they offered me the part I had to do a little bit of homework.
TSW: Did you already shoot some episodes? If yes, can you speak about it?
Morena Baccarin: I’ve shot one episode, leaving to shoot two more next week. I love the character she is truly evil. The worst kinds of people are the ones with no acceptance and she is one of those. What she believes is the word of God. And I get to wear really cool contacts!
TSW: You play now in 2 hit scifi shows (Firefly, Stargate), what do you think of the scifi genre?
Morena Baccarin: I think it’s interesting and very creative. A lot of imagination and intelligence usually goes into creating these worlds and I love being a part of it.
TSW: What would be the role of your dream?
Morena Baccarin: I love Shakespeare, and I have been obsessed with Juliet for a few years. Cleopatra also.
TSW: For how many episodes [of Stargate SG-1] did you sign?
Morena Baccarin: Three. But I think I am doing four, so far.
To read the entire interview by Gilles Nuytens go to The SciFi World Website.