News Bytes:
- Mike names our winners in the Eureka Giveaway contest, but full details will be given on next week’s show.
- Star Trek fan film ventures thriving
- Sci-Fi to Sci-Fact: Implanted mini magnets may expand neuroscience studies and allow humans to sense electromagnetic fields
- Silver Surfer turns up in some promotion artwork for the next Fantastic Four film, slated for a July 4, 2007 release
Terry Gilliam hopes to get back on the box office hits list with Good Omens
Slice of Trivia
TV Talk:
BBC America will be running a 2-day Avengers marathon on July 22-23, 2006.
Interview: Anthony Michael Hall takes a few minutes out of his busy day in New York City to talk to Michael and Summer about the fifth season and beyond of USA Network’s hit series, The Dead Zone. He tells us about his roles as lead actor and as producer, about music being a family affair, and more.
photo courtesy Jason Wallis Photography
Future Talk: What’s Coming Up?
Resident Evil team of Jeremy Bolt and Paul Anderson plan on bringing Castlevania to the big screen next. No casting choices have been made as yet.
Podcasting News: We’re running the podcasting track at DragonCon, as well as running the Parsec Awards for Excellence in Podcasting. Check out DragonCon in 2006, and we hope you can make it!
Listener comments: If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know.
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There are some of the live action video games out there on You Tube.
Im sure you guys have seen this stage version of Mario.
You should call it L.A.V.A –
Live Action Vintage Arcade
uber keen!
Regarding The Avengers, it wasn’t about science fiction. It was definitely espionage. It’s just that the things they delt with were…well, bizarre.
Lucky people who get BBC America, if you’ve never seen The Avengers, ya gotta check it out.
I agree with Summer that I’m not overly thrilled with video on the iPod. Granted, I don’t actually have a video iPod, but I have downloaded some free content on iTunes and watched it on my PC. Not impressed. There is no way I’d pay DVD price for that.
When you mentioned “other” ways of watching them, were you meaning as extras on the DVD release, or would you have to buy them as seperate purchases? If it’s the latter, then remember UMD. Granted, it’s still around, but a lot of companies have pulled out of that market. It won’t surprise me if it’s dead before too long.
Right now I’m watching my legally purchased TV shows on my PSP. I buy them on DVD and rip them to a PSP-friendly format, which I then copy to my memory card. That gives me the option of watching them when I want, how I want.
Regarding the LIve Action Archade thing, the type of filmed “effects” you’re talking about were probably already done in Mike Jitlov’s “The Wizard of Speed and Time” (
Check out the July 18th Rocketboom episode ( There are stop-motion “Space Invaders” and “Pong” video clips.
Here is Legend of Zelda Live Action … ha ha ha
Super Mario Brothers live action.
Bah thats what I get for not looking at the posts properly. It was the first one posted :/ Ah well never mind.
So you’re saying the video idea we had isn’t the most original of ideas. Dammit. OK. What someone *really* should do is make a First Person Shooter movie. That would be super… [What? Tt’s been done, too? Awww… dammit.]
No, but the Asteroids idea is good. How about Pongo. One more chance to get the “popcorn” song into the media 😀
and if you ever played Goldneye on the N64:
Evo … they already have a 1st person shooter movie. It’s called “The Blair Witch Project”.