For those who might be confused, we’re switching the order of the shows, so they make a little more sense to all of our listeners. So the voicemail show for the previous week’s episode will be released for Tuesday, and the new Slice of SciFi episode will be released the next day, on Wednesday.
This should give everyone plenty of time to listen to a show, and call in a comment, if they feel the urge. So today’s show is technically the Voicemail show for Show #62, tomorrow’s show will be Show #63, next Tuesday you’ll receive the Voicemail show for Show #63, and so on.
Remember, this is the show for our fans and listeners! We’re receiving so much voicemail and email feedback commentary that it just won’t fit in one show anymore. But that’s okay… Keep it coming!
- Graham from California corrects the pronuncation of Evangelion
- Dani in NC comments on changes in anime for US audiences
- Phillip from Australia on Serenity
- Walter from LA on The Lake House
- Scott from Tucson on Star Wars racers and segmented shows
- Tom from Wake Forest via London on Microsoft’s Robot Development Studio
- comments on special effects in the radio era
- Paul in Lancaster on a media spotting “on a plane”
- Tom from Wake Forest on complaints about Caprica
- Michael from Illinois on The Lake House
- Ryan from Minnesota on the negative stereotypes of wrestling fans
- Pete from England on Night Watch
- an XM listener chimes in about Evangelion adaptation
- Enormous from Australia has a question about box office takes
- John from Australia is desperate for BSG 2.5 DVD release info
- John from Australia thanks us for having the BSG 2.5 info on the website already
- comment with a little more info on segmented shows
- Pete in London on the correct pronunciation of “Leicester”
- Debbie in East Mesa comments on the Google results of “Michael and Evo”
Submitting Listener comments: If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. You can call, or email Michael with a comment you’ve recorded yourself!
Philip from Australia says
Summer, Summer… only one ‘l’ in THIS Philip’s name. ๐
HellZiggy says
I’m glad Moose had a good time!
If anyone wants to see what the little guy looks like, he’s actually got his own photo gallery online:
He goes on vacations and to Sci-Fi conventions with me. He also goes on vacations with my friends since he fits in their suitcases and I don’t.
Here he is with me & Adam Baldwin last August:
Next time he visits Draco-vista hopefully I’ll be there too!
Alvie says
Enormous – YOU talk too much?!?
Yeah but you say intelligent stuff… so no worries my friend.
Summer says
Phil, it took you this long to correct my spelling of your name? ๐