News Bytes:
- Lucy Lawless signs on for 10 more Galactica episodes
- James Cromwell joins the cast of Spiderman 3
- new scifi audio drama Silent Universe set to debut on Feb 15; fans can interact on their forums
Movie Talk: X-Men 3 storyline follows the Dark Phoenix saga, and is slated for release on May 26, 2006.
Trivia Contest: Three more trivia clips from Doug.
TV Talk:
- Animated “Afro Samurai” greenlit for 5 episodes by Spike TV
- LOST producers deny rumors of their getting rid of Michelle Rodriguez
Interview: Christopher Mack talks about Children of the Gods audio drama
Future Talk: What’s Coming Up?
- Babylon A.D. set for big screen production
- David Arquette set to write and direct The Tripper
Listener comments: We’ve got plenty of voicemail from fans to listen and respond to! If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know.
Hi folks!
I know this isn’t “Cover to Cover” but your comments about IQ reminded me about a book, “Brainwave” by Poul Anderson, where Earth leaves an ‘inhibitor field’ and everyone’s IQ jumps 5X.
To add to the brief comments about The Gallifrey One convention, go to for all the details!
Lee Whiteside
Great show. Oh and there will be a Wolverine movie:
I have searched all the present and archived versions of the SIFF site. I cannot clearly make out the first word of “*’s miracle” in the voice mail to find the movie with the two midget aliens. Sorry, but unless I can understand what that Seattle listener said, I don’t stand a chance of finding it…assuming he’s correct about the title anyway.
The movie was originally in Spanish, “El Milagro de P. Tinto”
It only took me a couple minutes to find it… Google is my bitch!