After receiving hundreds of entries, I’m pleased to announce the winner of the Starship Titan Design Contest: Sean Tourangeau of Colorado Springs, CO. Sean’s combined score was highest in the categories of originality, execution, consistency with the U.S.S. Titan Concept Notes, and consistency with Star Trek’s established Starfleet style.
Sean’s design (displayed below) will be featured on the interior pages of the fourth Star Trek Titan novel, to be published in January, 2007, and will be used as the basis for cover art on that book.
The designs of the top runners-up in the competition will be posted on the SimonSays.com website next week.
On behalf of judges Paula Block, Margaret Clark, Doug Drexler, Jennifer Heddle, Elisa Kassin, Michael Okuda, David Rossi, Edward Schlesinger, Scott Shannon, Rick Sternbach, and John Van Citters, I’d like to congratulate Sean and thank all the fans who participated in making the contest such a fun experience and such a resounding success.
Source: Simon & Schuster, Written By: Marco Palmieri (Simon-Schuster Senior Editor)
the best starship design ive ever seen
Does anyone know where the runner-ups can still be found? Thanks!
It’s an “adequate” design, but ( IMO ) – – It should be ~~ 30 – 40% larger. It seems to be built; more like a ‘Tactical’ Cruiser, than an ‘Explorer’ Cruiser. There should be a bigger ( Longer ) engineering section; w/ more space, for shuttle bays & Research Labs.