Connor Trinneer told Star Trek fans at last weekend’s Star Trek Creation Convention in Las Vegas that he was cast in Stargate Atlantis as a character named Michael.
While he didn’t divulge any details about his character, it is assumed that he has landed the part of Michael in the episode with the same name. According to Pegasus Galaxy, Michael is a captured Wraith that Dr. Beckett tests a newly developed retrovirus on. This drug suppossedly supresses the iratus bug elements in the Wraith DNA effectively making a Wraith human. Sounds very interesting.
Trinneer is well known among sci-fi fans as Charles “Trip” Tucker from Star Trek: Enterprise who died a hero’s death in the series finale “These Are The Voyages.”
AH!! Man!! I still haven’t seen the series finale of Enterprise! Weak!!
“I still haven’t seen the series finale of Enterprise!”
If you are lucky, you still have not seen it.
Bringing back the most annoying characters of TNG was an awful death of the series. Connor should have begged to be killed in an earlier episode.