The MTV animated series created by Peter Chung garners some big names in its effort to bring the dubious heroine’s exploits to the non-animated big screen. MTV, Lakeshore Entertainment Group, and Paramount Pictures have pulled out all the stops on this one and signed on two award winning actresses in the strong female leads.
This feature is set 400 years in earth’s future. Beginning in 2011 waste and pollution have devastated the planet causing a new plague called Environmental Disease to run rampant destroying 99% of the world’s human population. With the exception for one walled and well protected city-state built by the 5 million survivors of the plague called Bregna, there is no other life to speak of. This city, ruled by a congress of scientists florishes to technological heights never before dreamed of and becomes the ideal of human perfection. Or is it?
Aeon Flux, (played by Charlize Theron) is a top operative in an underground organization codenamed ‘Monican,’ a rebellion led by someone named The Handler (played by Frances McDormand).
After Aeon is sent on a mission to destroy a certain government leader she becomes aware of a new world of secrets.
The cast of Theron and McDormand is rounded out with:
Marton Csokas as Chairman Trevor Goodchild
Jonny Lee Miller as Oren Goodchild
Sophie Okonedo as Sithandra
Amelia Warner as Una Flux
Caroline Chikezie as Freya
The film is currently in post production and has a projected US release date of September 2005.
The projected worldwide release date is October 2005
You can visit the official Aeon Flux website for more details.